Save Vine!

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Save Vine!.


#376 Re:

2016-10-28 00:49

#351: -  

 Amen and amen. #LONGLIVEVINE



2016-10-28 00:51

this whole vine thing is ridiculous and i'm over it, i want vine to stay and so do other people. It's not fair that they're shutting vine down. People have worked hard (on things like edits, and making videos) and this is unacceptable to me and them. They should have to waste their talent, i understand that there are other social media places to post but some people like vine better then instagram or twitter. Don't get me wrong i love instagram and twitter and most social media but vine is by far my favorite. For people that have to deal with this and make another account because vine is shutting down is stupid and dumb. This entire thing needs to stop and vine needs to stay. #SAVEVINE



2016-10-28 00:53

Vine means the world to me



2016-10-28 00:55

I love vine! I had it since 2013 loving every second posting things I loved also watching others who made me love it more!



2016-10-28 00:57

I love Vine ! I would rather Facebook been deleted instead of Vine !



2016-10-28 00:58

I want vine to stay..its an amzing app!



2016-10-28 00:59

Vine means a lot to so many people, not to mention it's done everyone some good by releasing stress through vine. To me, it just doesn't seem fair to remove an app a lot of people use.



2016-10-28 00:59

I live vine and love making edits. It's one of the only things that made me happy..

#384 Save Vine!

2016-10-28 01:00

Vine means a lot to so many people, not to mention it's done everyone some good by releasing stress through vine. To me, it just doesn't seem fair to remove an app a lot of people use.



2016-10-28 01:01

I have had vine for over two years and it has always made me laugh, whenever I was feeling out of it, I could scroll through vine for hours. About two months ago I decided to start making my own edits to post on vine. I've had an incredible time becoming a better editor and meeting amazing people through vine, and vine is where I can feel at home. People across the app are insanly kind and all us editors get along really well, saying how we love eachother's work and becoming good friends. Vine has given us a way to express our creativity in a way most people will never understand. I am just getting started on my vine adventure and just in these past two months it has been amazing. Please save vine, it means the world to me.



2016-10-28 01:01




2016-10-28 01:05

I signed this because vine is a place i can be myself without other people judging my and because vine is the place where i met my best friends and some of the most AMAZING people



2016-10-28 01:06

Everyday, I take time to see what my favorite creators have posted about shows I enjoy, singers I listen to, and to see what crazy, funny memes people have pulled out of nowhere. I hate that it's being shut down as it's a creative outlet for some while a familiar form of entertainment for others. (Deleting Twitter in protest as well)



2016-10-28 01:06

The reason I have signed this petition today is because a whole year of my life has been devoted to vine. I would always rise in the morning to see if my favourite viners had posted anything and throughout the day vine would be that type of escape for me to meet people who like the things I like. My school friends don't like the things i love like marvel and Sherlock and RDJ but when I came on vine I got to meet people who did like the things I like. We were able to communicate between each other about trending things in our interests.

Please keep vine



2016-10-28 01:08

Vine is the reason why I have friends and why I smile.



2016-10-28 01:09

I signed this because vine is my second home and it means a lot to me



2016-10-28 01:12

I really like vine and i hope it doesnt die so soon and stays on longer



2016-10-28 01:14

I've made 15,000+ vines, following 40,000+ interesting people and have 15,000+ followers. I make between 5-8 vines per day for the past three+ years... and really enjoy it. The format is perfect. I wouldn't even mind annoying ads just to keep the service running. Something.
Kenneth Udut

#394 I'm doing what I can to save my connections:

2016-10-28 01:16

I'm doing what I can to save my connections:



2016-10-28 01:19

Vine is such an amazing app that has lead to such great friendships and has allowed people to freely release their creativity. Watching edits is the highlight of my day and I couldn't imagine doing without them. Those 6 second videos have made me sob uncontrollably, smile until my face hurts, and laugh until I can't breathe. Something with that much influence can't just be taken away like that. Please, reconsider this decision, for it will change the lives of many, and not in a good way.



2016-10-28 01:28

To keep vine going


2016-10-28 01:30

I have made the greatest friends ever because of editing on vine ☺️ The community is so large and loving. Vine is a family we can all turn too.



2016-10-28 01:32

Vine was an app where I created a family. And best friends it would break my heart to see it go



2016-10-28 01:36

I am currently sitting at n my room crying over the fact that one of my favorite apps is going to be deleted WTF!!! This is unacceptable. Me being an editor and having the feeling of loosing all my friends, followers and all my time and effort into editing just drags me down!!! Vine is the place to express your emotions and your creativity and by YOU destroying it is Unacceptable!! Vine has helped me become who I am and help me poke out of my shell and realize what I want to become in life and one of the things I am passionate about doing will soon be gone :( long live vine <3 #savevine



2016-10-28 01:39

I signed this because I love vine and I'm not ready to loose it