Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita



2011-12-19 22:59

Прошу услышать это обращение всех здравомыслящих людей."Бхагават - Гита" является квинтэссенцией ведической филисофии,дарующей людям ответы на извечные вопросы: кто я? кто такой Бог? какие мои взаимоотношения с Богом? А так же дает знание , от которого люди обретают счастье.



2011-12-19 23:01

Voted for No Ban



2011-12-19 23:04

We all hope that this petition will help stop the unthinkable action of those proposing to ban the publishing and reading of a great spiritual masterpiece such as the Bhagavad Gita.Such an action which denies personal freedoms,that is freedom of choice, freedom of the press, and freedom of belief is incompatible and unacceptable in any country which offers freedom to its citizens.



2011-12-19 23:09

Everybody should read GITA & also follow it's instructionS .............



2011-12-19 23:11

Please stop this ban on our holly book



2011-12-19 23:12

не запрещайте етом уникалня книга



2011-12-19 23:13

That looks like first steps to total censure. Start with Bhagavad-gita, what next?



2011-12-19 23:15

The Bhagavad-gita is one of the most prominent books on our home bookshelves. Our family respects and reads Bhagavad-gita daily. We have also memorized many of the verses of the Gita which we have shared with friends over the years. The Gita uplifts us and brings us closer to God and to becoming the best we can be as individuals. If you're going to ban literature, why ban a book that raises the reader's consciousness and makes him a better person? Why not instead ban something that harms people and encourages their lower nature? There is plenty of pornographic literature you could attack and prohibit people from reading. Leave the Bhagavad-gita alone and do not restrict people from reading it. Otherwise, you are encouraging the degradation of your own country.



2011-12-19 23:17

Do not take the spiritual love away from people, whom their very hearts sing with such, is the harmony of scripture in all form. Do not ban Bhagavad-gita in Russia.


Nicole Dawn Apperley


#4810 The Gita in Russia.

2011-12-19 23:17

Lord Krishna says "Fools deride Me" and they take birth in their next life as animals. Please save yourselfs while you have the chance to............Please do not bann my love's words- I beg you to stop this bann.

 Hare Krishna!.

Raj Prabhu- Birmingham  UK ISKCON.




2011-12-19 23:19

Dear Sirs: If you encourage people to read Bhagavad-gita, you will not only maintain but will enhance the greatness and reputation of your powerful country. On the other hand, if you ban the Bhagavad-gita, you will see the downfall of virtue among your people, and the consequent demise and eventual downfall of your country.



2011-12-19 23:21

Припоминаю, как 5000 лет назад кое-кто тоже был не согласен с Кришной и Его чистыми преданными, и очень хотел от них избавиться. Чем это закончилось как раз и описано в БГ.



2011-12-19 23:22

Thanks for trying to ban BhagvadGita. The banning wont happen for sure. On the contrary, it has increased the popularity of BhagvadGita many fold.



2011-12-19 23:23

everybody do the signature for our holy bhagavad gita and it is our duty to save planet by saving Bhagavad-Gita.
Lil Krishna the Democratic Dancer


2011-12-19 23:25

One Should learn to respect religions

Grumble Grumble Gremlins It got downloaded by ISCKONITES long ago




2011-12-19 23:25

Jai Sri Hari!



2011-12-19 23:31

Hare Krishna!



2011-12-19 23:33

Bhagavathgeetha is the book represents India. It is so harsh and very cruel to ban the book or any other activity against it. People who dont know the value of the book need not to read the book or keep silent, but dont make such stupid decisions. Its a very very stupid thing to ban this book....!



2011-12-19 23:34

Look at comment 22: It all have political basis! and only political. Don't let them harm the culture and tradition, religion only because of politics!



2011-12-19 23:40




2011-12-19 23:40

Движение сознания Кришны мешает власти спаивать людей, а церкви - обкуривать их "опиумом для народа"



2011-12-19 23:41

Бхагават-Гита.Как она есть - этот трактат внушает любовь!!!



2011-12-19 23:41



2011-12-19 23:44



2011-12-19 23:45

Hare Krishna Hare krishna..... Krishna Krishna hare hare
ITs a HOLY book...read it and gain knowledge, if u want to be truth ful(dharma) and do good deeds (karma).
You can find BHAGAVATH GEETHA book in every home in india or indians..Such a spiritual book U banned. No one have rights to hurt one's feelings or cultural and sentiments and emotions ..STOP THIS BAN.