Opposition to ITV
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wondering |
#526 doc has disappeared? is he still alive??2012-09-20 22:36whatb happened to that doc? he seems to have been beaten with a ten pound hammer from all sides, wonder if he's trying to recover or if he's still alive??? just wondering??? |
Guest |
#527 ameen!!2012-09-21 19:42#526: wondering - doc has disappeared? is he still alive?? hopefully,Allah guided him!!!!!
Guest |
#528 Re: ameen!!2012-09-21 21:28if so, i think he should proudly announce the favour of allah upon him? many people will be overjoyed at him getting hidayat, dont you think so? |
"fan" |
#529 Re: jamiat molana scared for bayan in his masjid!!!2012-09-21 21:32#521: jamiat fan - jamiat molana scared for bayan in his masjid!!! thats why they're called "fans". like soccer fans... your team is always right...and you always have to take their side...even if they dont wash their backsides, you still support them...with all your might and strength... you get depressed when they loose...you get delighted when they win... well, thats a "fan"... and this imaam is a "jamiat fan", so you cant expect anything else from him! |
Guest |
#530 jamiat molanas paying house visits to convince or convert other molanas-is it true?2012-09-21 21:36is it true that ml bham and ml ravat went to visit some senior aalim who was speaking out against this tv thing in his bayaans. they tried to persuade him to zip up his mouth and not to become an obstacle. does anyone know if this is true? |
Guest |
#531 Re: Its useless speaking to them2012-09-21 21:43#440: Anonymous - Its useless speaking to them you hit the nail on the head. even a senior molana like ml shabbeer saloojee, who supposed to be the vice-president of the fordsburg jamiat (or some senior position like that he holds) he even told an aalim who wanted to meet and discuss with them: "you wasting your time".
Guest |
#532 roots are haraam2012-09-21 21:54itv or any other 'islamic' tv channel. the basis is haraam. even if (a VERY big IF) they remove women, music, ambiya cartoon and all other wrongs, it will still be impermissible, due to 2 factors. 1) the basis of TV is picture making, which is Haraam 2) external factors: like it being a 'tool of amusement' and a means of people moving from islamic content to other haraam content. the big IF is because the day they remove women from their channel, they'll land up in court..like what happened to Radio Islam. |
Guest |
#533 allah the guider2012-09-22 14:38#528: - Re: ameen!! ya very true.....only Allah can guide one to the right path!!!
unsilent |
#534 why the silence all of a sudden?2012-09-27 22:01it seems like every one is now quiet on this TV issue. the only ones to speak will be Majlisul Ulama of P.E., which unfortunately many people do not take too seriously... is this issue going to become like the radio islam issue? where it is sort of 'accepted' to be ok... nobody talks about women on air, etc. (except for a handful), in fact even those who dont agree with their wrongs and say this is wrong with them anfd that is wrong with them also have the radio blasting 24/7 or at least for a major part of the day in their homes and busineeses... will this become the attitude to islamic TV channels? pepole will say this is not right and that is incorrect, but they will still watch it? is this the road we're taking? one Radio Molvi actually said: "15 years ago everyone made a big noise about women on air, now the same people are addicted to this radio! the same will happen with the Tv issue, they'll make a hoo-haa now and after a few years they'll be watching our programmes!" every person in his own capacity should continue explaining his colleagues, friends, family, relatives, etc the 'hurmat' of this Islamic TV's. (that it is haraam). imaams of the masjids should continue speaking out against it. ustadhs should continue explaining to their students and learners the same. otherwise??? |
unsilent no 2 |
#538 Re: why the silence all of a sudden?2012-10-06 07:12#534: unsilent - why the silence all of a sudden? i fully agree with "unsilent". once you stop saying a wrong is a wrong, it gets acceptable. leave out the "islamic TV', take just normal TV. how many people even speak out against it or warn of its harms, or mention it's haraam? so the younger generation dont even regard it as haraam. you'll be shocked that the learners in madrasah are shocked when they are told tv is haraam, since they are born into a TV world, and never heard before, not in madrasah , not from their parents (obviuosly) and not in the juma bayaans... so it became acceptable... when they are told its haraam, they seem not to fathom it! the same goes with all vices and sin. although, it does not mean you have to "hammer" everyone and "bang" out everyone, all you do is to carry on explaining from the mimbar and in the classroom and in programmes and bayaans that this is haraam, otherwise it becomes acceptable after a while.. and those 1 or 2 who speak out against it are then regarded as extremists? is it not so? so i fully agree with "unsilent" |
underpaid molvi |
#539 Re: doc has disappeared? is he still alive??2012-10-06 07:18#526: wondering - doc has disappeared? is he still alive?? doc? where are you... if you tell us how much we can earn per slot, we might just change our views, you never know... money makes the world go round... and you know we molvis are always looking to earn some quick buck here or there.. and we heard ITV gives some handsome packets... you never know, we might just somersault and join you...for how long are we going to stick to corollas and camry's? and live in jamaat houses or rented flats? just put out the bait... how much per slot? or per hour? or per minute? how long contracts do we have to sign? you never know?????????????? we might just join you, doc? |
greedy |
#540 dangle the carrot2012-10-12 21:58#539: underpaid molvi - Re: doc has disappeared? is he still alive?? yes, dangle the carrot, doc. |
Hassen |
#541 Bring back Islam Channel UK2012-10-25 00:34Its not about locally produced content for me. The important thing is to bring the best possible coverage for Muslims. I am extremely disappointed in ITV coverage as compared with Islam Channel UK. For example the Haj coverage this year is not as good as last year. I am not saying that ITV should be cut, but islam channel provided much more in-depth quality programming. |
#542 Re: doc has disappeared? is he still alive??2012-10-25 14:08#526: wondering - doc has disappeared? is he still alive?? I have from time to time visted the Forum. Glad that the debate is still ongoing. InshaAllah I will get Guidance. Thanks for the input. I have not been very well and also very busy recently.
Mohamed Adam |
ITV alive but listening quietly. Silence is golden. |
#543 Silence is sometimes better2012-10-25 14:12I noticed that if I remain silent the topic eventually fades away and people lose interest ( which suits iTV ). When I participate then the debate flares up again. So it is better if I remain silent. Eid Mubarak for tomorrow. Salaams Mohamed Adam ITV |
#544 ITV cannot win this debate2012-10-25 14:15ITV cannot win this debate so there is no point in participating. Each party has their firm beliefs. There are many very valid points which members of this Forum make and should make. I will not repeat these points. iTV is there prinarily for Dawah. Most of the viewers of ITV are non-Muslims and it is primarily to give them information about Islam. It also benefits Muslims who are watching TV anyway as it is better to watch ITV ( in our opinion ) then to watch other TVs ( in our opinion ) Shukran |
#545 Re: doc has disappeared? is he still alive??2012-10-25 14:17#526: wondering - doc has disappeared? is he still alive?? Yes that is true. I have been trying to recover. I am only party recovered and still very week. Don't use a ten pound hammer please.
Actually I have not been very well. Not feeling too well in the past few weeks.
Mohamed Adam |
Husain |
#547 Distressed at the news...2012-10-29 20:57Assalaamualaykum. I'm distressed to hear that you're unwell doctor. May Allah Subhaanahu-wa-Ta'ala grant you shifa-e-kaamil and make your illness a means maghfirah and attaining His qurb and pleasure. Inshallah i will give sadaqah on your behalf and request everyone who's reading this to do the same. Nabi salallahu-alayhi-wasallam said “The Muslim ummah is like one body. If the eye is in pain then the whole body is in pain and if the head is in pain then the whole body is in pain.” May Allah suhanahu-wa-Ta'ala guide us all. Wassalam. |
curious |
#548 Re: Re: doc has disappeared? is he still alive??2012-11-03 21:21#545: ITV - Re: doc has disappeared? is he still alive?? salaamz doc. may the Almighty give you a speedy recovery. you know, I am also quite curiuos to know how much those molvis are getting paid per hour/ per slot/ or however else it is structured. just curious. |
#549 Re: Re: Re: doc has disappeared? is he still alive??2012-11-06 00:24#548: curious - Re: Re: doc has disappeared? is he still alive?? Most people who appear on ITV do it on a volunteer basis. Some do get paid. I do not know the details as I am not involved in day to day management of iTV. The management of ITV handle that part. It is not "market related" if one takes the true value of what is being contributed. Since ITV is a non profit Foundation it cannot afford to be "market related" |
#550 Re: Distressed at the news...2012-11-06 00:26#547: Husain - Distressed at the news... Shukran for your kind words. Alhumdullilah I am recovering. Thanks for the kind words |
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