Anthony Erasmus
Contact the author of the petition
This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Anthony Erasmus.
Tanja Ackerman |
#128 Pappa God het Sy oog op julle !2013-01-30 16:07Ek hoop van harte dat die twee sal kry wat hulle verdien ! Ek weet klein seun is veilig by sy Pappa wat hom geskape het ! Maar ek weet ook verseker dat sy Pappa God die twee verskoning van ouers sal straf soos Pappa God goed dink ! |
Guest |
#1302013-01-31 23:43No real Mother or Father have the right to do this to any kid they must bring back the death penalty and hang them !! |
Guest |
#1312013-02-01 10:56Hoe kan hulle dit oorweeg om borg toe te staan!!! Ek glo nie eers daaraan om aan n kind te slaan nie! Hulle verdien om in die tronk te vrot- en soos hulle daai arme kind mishandel het,mishandel te word!! |
toks |
#1342013-02-03 11:01verklaar hulle voelvry dat ons eie mense hulle kan doodgooi met klippe hulle is nie mense nie is ongediertes monsters hulle moet net vrek !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Guest |
#1362013-02-07 10:56Let them rot in jail and no bail. That little boy was a human, not a animal!!!How low could that parents be!!!! |
Guest |
#1422013-02-12 13:52These two pigs does not belong into the Society. Such BARBAREAN acts deserve nothing less than death penalty. Please hand over them to the public... they will beg to die! |
Guest |
#1442013-02-18 15:53Its very sad for what has been done to little anthony I met him when he were alive and his mother left him and his brother alone in a room with no food when she went off living her life in harties its tragedic and therefore hope that justice will be done! |
Guest |
#1452013-02-19 15:14Ek het soveel sleg om te sê van die twee wat die arme Anthony vermoor/mishandel het dat ek nie weet waar om te begin nie. Dit gee my elke dag trane in my oë om net te dink waardeer die arme mensie moes gaan. Is daar al enige nuus oor of hulle in die tronk gaan bly en of borgtog toegestaan gaan word? |
Guest |
#146 Re:2013-02-21 08:53#26: hurt parent - DID these animals get bail??? cant find anything on website.
Guest |
#147 Re:2013-02-25 13:11HI,ek is n MR SA finalis, en staan saam teen kinder geweld en mishandeling. Ek gaan ook by die hof gaan om deel te wees van die petisie mense. Staan saam my om asb ook n verskil op n langer termyn toe doen deur vir my te vote vir MR SA 2013. SMS MRSA71 na 47439, Vra asseblief almal om te ondersteun met die votes, en likes van die Video op Youtube, dis al hoe ek gaan wen om op te staan en goed aan te bied teen kinder mishandeling.
Baie dankie Nelius du Preez |
This post has been removed by its writer (Show details)
2013-02-25 13:12- Date of removal: 2013-02-25
- Reason for removal:
Petition Against the Installation of a Biodigester at Wilson Rd, Fairfield Township, Madison County, Ohio
Weird Al, the halftime show the people need (Whether they realize it or not)
Support Subsonic Society - Save our work places and Oslo's music history.
Release 100 Years Movie ASAP (2026? 2027?)
No Nukes for AI: Clearly a bad idea
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