Anthony Erasmus
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Anthony Erasmus.
Guest |
#1512013-05-20 20:33Mag hierdie monsters nooit weer vry loop buite, Mag hulle vir ewig in n donker sel opgesluit word en die sleutel weggegooi word. Hoe wreed is klein Anthony nie vermoor en hulle wat dit aan hom gedoen het verwag mercy. Hoe siek wil die kerel net nie wees om all skuld van hom weg te wys hy wat net so hard en wreed deel aan Anthony se foltering was. Mag julle gewete julle so pla dat julle julle oe nooit weer kan toemaak vir 'n nagrus nie. Gewetenloos was julle mag julle vir ewig gefolter word soos wat julle aan klein Anthony gedoen het. Jy as moeder moes hom beskerm het met jou lewe en nie syne weg geruk het, |
Guest |
#1522013-07-23 08:23Dis vreed ek sal nie vir hulle bail gee nie ek sal hulle toesluit en sleutel weg goi en nie vir hulle kos of water gee nie.Die gemors dit breek my hart wat moet deur jou kop gaan om jou eie kind so te mishandel |
Guest |
#1532013-08-07 10:13No more new on the internet. do these people murder innocent, defenceless children, get away and be protected from the public eye. Justice has not been served. They will go out have more children and do the same without any remorse. Our God is loving but His Word says and eye for an eye. |
Guest |
#154 Jy is heeltemal reg. Laat hulle oor na God. Hy weet meer as ons wat daar aangegaan het.2013-08-07 10:17 |
Guest |
#1552013-08-15 11:29I hope they never see the light of day ever again! But jail will sort them out!!! |
Guest |
#1562014-01-17 20:19Ek is teen kindermishandeling en so ook teen enige soort mishandeling. Ek hoop die ouers van hierdie 5 jarig swaar gestraf. Maar Ons Vader se straf sal die swaarste wees |
LSearle |
#157 ANTHONY ERASMUS2014-01-22 08:30Death Penalty!!!....what is wrong with this government???? The amount of children that get killed in our country is appalling!!! How a Mother can harm her own leaves me gobsmacked. Get rid of these two heartless delinquents! It sickens me that our hard earned taxes will support them in jail |
Anonymous |
#1582014-02-12 09:12 |
Petition Against the Installation of a Biodigester at Wilson Rd, Fairfield Township, Madison County, Ohio
Support Subsonic Society - Save our work places and Oslo's music history.
Stop the destruction of a 3500 year old grave!
Release 100 Years Movie ASAP (2026? 2027?)
No Nukes for AI: Clearly a bad idea
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