Anthony Erasmus
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Anthony Erasmus.
Guest |
#51 Re: VIR JOU ANTHONY2013-01-28 08:38@ SONJA ERASMUS & KOPDING: Asseblief, ek hoop jy is al besig met daai proses van inmates werf..dis wat daai 2 bliksems verdien & meer! Want as die justice system die kind fail, dan moet daar iets anders 'n plan mee gemaak word! Groot asseblief! |
Ingrid |
#53 Re:2013-01-28 10:01WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS? Besides a few posts above that I have added (anonymously), I must say that I have actively campaigned for 3 days, constantly on the computer, changed my profile pic to that of Anthony's, shared, shared again..and I see only 3 of my friends that have signed the petition! I hope they never need my help....because I am very disappointed that they could not be bothered to take 2 minutes out of their time! A least lots of people have signed, still signing the petition and the numbers have really done well since it was put up only on Saturday! Well done to the passionate people who need to see justice is done. You are all amazing! |
Jaco |
#55 Antony Erasmus Petision2013-01-28 10:29This is deed that must be punished with life in prison WITHOUT any parole! This deserve the death penalty! |
Guest |
#562013-01-28 10:37Laat hulle ly hulle moet lank en pynlik sterf. Die aarde het nie sulke mense nodig nie. |
leeanne schoeman |
#57 antony erasmus2013-01-28 10:52ek verstaan nie hoe hulle vir iemand wie hul eie kind se lewe gevat het wil borg gee nie!!!!! dit is hoekom die land is soos hy is!!! |
QT |
#58 Trust2013-01-28 11:02He was given to them by God to take care, protect love and bring up.Its sad how the ones who was supose to be taken care of him did this. Still there is 100's of cchildren in foster homes and PPL out there who will do any thing to have a child of their one to honestly ttake care of them being denied the opertunity. These pPPL who did this to Anthony honestly did not apresiate the wonderfull gift God. Gave them and have to take the conseq for there actions. |
Nikki |
#592013-01-28 11:06Hulle moet vrot in die tronk! Wens amper iemand doen met hulle wat hulle aan die kind gedoen het! |
brandy |
#60 killers2013-01-28 11:10They must not be let out on bail !!they killed there child!!!! |
Genie |
#612013-01-28 11:18Monsters like them do not deserve bail.NOT AT ALL they should bring back death sentence and make an example of them to the others that abuse innocent children and animals. That child did not deserve what happend to him They must NOT allow for bail they should be locked away for ever... |
Guest |
#622013-01-28 11:21You killed a child you should not be allowed out. Rot in hell the both of you. |
berns |
#63 Anthony Erasmus2013-01-28 11:22How can they even consider giving them bail?????? Bring back the death penalty, bring it back!! Can people not see what is happening to our world?? It's sick man sick!! Can government not see everything is falling apart?? Crime so high??? Bring back the death penalty!!!!!!!! |
Genie |
#64 PURE EVIL2013-01-28 11:43They are Killers There is NO EXCUSE for what they had done that child did not deserve what they did to him. NO BAIL bring back deth sentence and make an example of them. lock them up and let them suffer a slow death they are not human they are not even worthy of being called animals they are PURE evil. NO BAIL.they dont deserve Bail or a second chance... NO BAIL NO BAIL |
Lientjie |
#65 Anthony2013-01-28 11:57There's no way in hell they should get bail at all! How can you torture your own flesh and blood and wanna get away with it??? Naaah! Lock em up and keep them there they don't deserve to be out here in everyday life! Sick if u ask me!!! |
Lientjie |
#66 EK STEM SONJA!!!!2013-01-28 12:02 |
Guest |
#682013-01-28 13:09Julle is nie die naam "ouers" werd nie! Het absoluut GEEN simpatie met monsters soos cindy lee en ha boyfriend nie! Dis walglik! Maag die dade wat julle an daai klien mensie gedoen het terug kom na julle toe! |
Guest |
#692013-01-28 13:15This is sick. Bring back the deaf penalty |
Ingrid |
#70 guilty neighbours!!2013-01-28 13:50NEIGHBOURS COULD HAVE SAVED HIM!! And I have been told that the NEIGHBOURS HEARD HIS CRIES FOR HELP AND DIDN'T HELP! That makes them JUST AS GUILTY!! They could have made a difference, bloody cowards!!! |
miss greeneyes |
#712013-01-28 14:19Write a comment...hoe kan n ma dit doen an haar eie kind sies man jule al twee behoort in die he'll daar is. Mense hier in ons land wat sukel om kinders te kry rn wat doen jule wat n onskuldige kind se lewe ek hoop jule kry nie bail nie want die land se mense hier buite gan jule lewe he'll maak glo my hoe kan jule dit gedoen het ek het n kind en sal haar nooit seer maak nie al maak sy my kwaad hu kan n ouer wat vir 9 maande haar kind gedra het binne in haar dit doen an n onskuldige kind sies hoop jule lewe sal he'll wees vir die res van jule lewe onthou god slaap nie en ons sal veg vir sy regte om jule agter tralies te hou |
vernon |
#722013-01-28 14:28Ek se hang die twee varke of gee die twee varke vir ons laat ons hulle steenig |
blondie |
#73 Anthony Erasmus2013-01-28 14:28Hulle moet gehang word, hoe kan n ma dit aan haar kind doen. Ek sal dit nie eers aan my eie kind kan doen nie. n Mens moet sielkundig siek wees om sulke goed te kan doen. Ek haat sulke mense. Julle verdien dit waar julle vandag sit en ek hoop julle sit veraltyd. Wat moet die ander twee kinders net nie ook deur gaan nie, jy wat n ma is kan n mens nie n ma noem nie. |
blondie |
#74 Re: Re: VIR JOU ANTHONY2013-01-28 14:30ja asb ek stem saam. |
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