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#1512014-02-12 12:28I agree help begins at home, we must look after our own first. |
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#1522014-02-12 12:29get a grip cameron your own people need help now not tommorow, if you want to give money to forgien aid give your own, and not the british tax payers money we are fed up with cut this cut that and theres some 11 billion in the pot, you should be using to help the british people now. |
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#1532014-02-12 12:30How can this Prime Minister justify giving away 11 billion of OUR MONEY I repeat OUR MONEY and at the same time reduce the amount given to flood relief.If he spent half that amount on defending our coastline and rivers we would not have these problems. |
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#1562014-02-12 12:37It is the money we send to China and India that really gets me mad, not the money sent to children in need ( if they ever actually get it. |
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#1572014-02-12 12:38Compared to the money wasted on overseas aid we at the moment need aid more than China ,India and Pakistan. |
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#1582014-02-12 12:40Mr Cameron, why are you giving my money to dubious associations abroad when our own citizens would benefit greatly from it at the moment? |
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#1612014-02-12 12:42About time we stopped wasting borrowed money on bongo bongo land and illegal or other dubious warlike activities. It appears that our so called elected representatives find the above activities far "sexier" than fixing the rapidly decaying uk infrastructure. When will the dim uk electorate wake up and realise that they can never have guns and butter ! Time to crack down on all this stuff and put the true British population first ! Start by getting the potholes fixed ! |
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#1622014-02-12 12:45Totally agree but disagree totally with Mr Cameron...by 'finding' this money elsewhere other than from aid funds only puts more strain on our finances. People like my children who slog their guts out to provide a roof over their heads will, like us all, be hit again. This time OUR country is a charity...CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME...for once, just once let other countries be put second and us first. Why send aid to countries to enable them to run space programmes? |
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#1632014-02-12 12:46Great idea - charity as someone has said begins at home. All the money given to so called foreign aid should be used in this country for flood defences NHS and urgent British needs and that does not mean benefits to EU unwelcome newcomers. |
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#1652014-02-12 12:48Charity always begins at home - it's a pity this motto doesn't apply to our government - they would rather waste our money on futile projects instead. |
tashman Guest |
#1662014-02-12 12:49this and subsequent governments should stop giving OUR money away to other countries, I will hazard a guess there are no flood relief adverts on any other countries TV channels for the uk floods, unlike the coverage on our TV stations when it happens abroad, this bunch of clowns (all sides of the house of fun) think putting on a pair of wellingtons and paying a visit to the flooded out people will turn the tide. what a sorry bunch of out of touch with reality idiots we have elected who sit guffawing at each other and literally achieve sod all, this petition hopefully will show them what the voters of this country think of their total lack of effort and political points scoring |
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#1672014-02-12 12:50About time we tried to assign some real priority to UK infrasructure which is deteriorating rapidly. All this foreign aid is borrowed money increasing our national debt - while we are being forever told we cannont afford essentials at home and to tighten our belts - scandalous. |
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#1682014-02-12 12:51I doubt it will achieve much. What happened after the Countryside Alliance March a few years ago? Nothing! Half a million people took part and were completely ignored. Not one single MP changed his/her vote to reflect their constituents wishes. It's time the political ethos was changed to Constituency first, Country second and party third. Then maybe the MP,s conscience. |
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#1692014-02-12 12:52My wife and I have said this is the right thing to do ever since the floods began, charity begins at home. Are any overseas countries that the U.K. has sent money to organising any help for the people affected here? |
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#1702014-02-12 12:55Write a comment...Messrs Cameron and Clegg must realise that the majority of aid given to overseas countries is niot used for the purpose for which it is intended. Our country does not have unlimited funds and we need to ensure the well being of our countrymen comes first. In this economic climate how can we continue to send money overseas and find enough funds to overcome the this current disaster???? |
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#1712014-02-12 12:55David Cameron stated that we give foreign aid because it makes us look good in the eyes of the world - well what is the rest of the world doing for us in our hour of need, damn all !!!!! |
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#1722014-02-12 12:58Cancel overseas aid until such times there is absolutely no poverty in our great country. Making sure our elderly a well nourished and can keep warm during the winter months. After every food bank is closed and all our ill people are treated well in clean hospitals with real nurses looking after them. Only then consider handing out overseas aid. Politicians listen to the people!!. |
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#1732014-02-12 13:00Every MP with any ounce of conviction should back the public in the UK of ensuring all roeign aid money should be used for the victims of the floods and for flood defences to be put in place. Who ever thought of stopping the dredging of the Uk's water ways and any that agreed to this should be sacked. Lord Smith for his utter disregard to the people/victim of the UK and his tuoid comments should downgraded to Mr Smith and be made to resign. |
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#1742014-02-12 13:01Let's put our own country right and then we will be in a better position to help others. |
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#1752014-02-12 13:03All overseas develoment aid should stop, and only be given to targeted disaster areas. I resent my hard earned taxes going abroad to possibly corrupt countries |
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