
Contact the author of the petition

This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition dailymail.co.uk/floodpetition.



2014-02-14 20:56

I wholeheartedly endorse the keeping backof some international aid especially tocountries who don't really need out help. ie. India China Ghana Nigeria. At this moment in time money is needed right here in our own back yard. I personally am not affected but I do feel that our money should be spent right here right now to help thousands of our fellow countrymen who are at the mercy of the elements with no let up in sight. At 71 if the only help I can give is to sign this petition then it is gladly signed



2014-02-14 21:13

I always understood that MPs were elected to carry out the electorates wishes. I would suggest that Cameron, Clegg, Milliband et al start listening. They are well out of the problem areas and obviously do not care. All the foreign aid budget should be used to sort out our horrendous problems at home, get in the real world.



2014-02-14 21:47

Please can we support our fellow countrymen in their time of need before we offer aid to other countries. This crisis seems to have not really be been recognised as a national emergency until recently and there seems still to be precious little practical help in some areas.
We have to be put our own people first before we can help others esp those with space programmes who do not really need so much financial aid to



2014-02-14 21:58

We are always quick to help with overseas appeals - but this is a massive disaster in the U.K. and HELP IS NEEDED URGENTLY.



2014-02-14 22:04

far to much aid is spent abroad all the time, but now we require the aid for all our flood people , lots of them have now lost ther homes up and down the country.



2014-02-14 22:41

cons you need to get into the real world out side the m25, if not your out in the next election

#482 floods

2014-02-14 22:42

cons get back to basics, and get out of the m25 were life is still lived



2014-02-14 22:43

Keep up the preshure.



2014-02-15 02:23

It's time we started looking after our own this government should remember who pays their ridiculous salaries and expenses.



2014-02-15 10:59

Tell it how it is! This government has promised so many things, which on the surface appeared to be what I, as an U.K. citizen prayed for throughout the years of the last party's tenure so please get on with it.



2014-02-15 11:23

This petition has my full support. I cannot understand what planet 'so called' polititions live on! Charity begins at home in my opinion



2014-02-15 11:23

Indian and African countries are laughing at us. They do not need the money and the men governing these countries are getting richer at our expense. Just take a look at their fancy expensive cars and properties they purchase abroad - and their big fat bellies. This waste of taxpayers money must stop immediately!



2014-02-15 11:32

Where is all of the international help when we need it ? Wise up for the future and put OUR money and resources to good sue at home, for that is where charity begins ! Good luck and well done for waking us all up.



2014-02-15 11:49

I am fed up to the back teeth increasingly seeing appauling levels of help from local councils that allowed the housing to be built on flood plains in the first palce. Charging for sandbags - Sack them !!!!



2014-02-15 12:05

charity begins at home-no one has rushed to hgelp us



2014-02-15 12:24

I am very aware of other disasters,but if I was helping others,and my family were hit in a disaster area, if I only had strength to help one, it would be my family,then back to help others.



2014-02-15 12:53

charity begins at home
As these people have beenlet down by our leaders it is time to make amends NOW



2014-02-15 13:03

The UK government have more interest in how they appear to the rest of the world rather than concentrating on us!! Look at the bank bail outs yet those banks we've paid to bail out are allowed to have bonuses!!!! Energy prices rise despite crude oil prices reducing!! Government fine parents for taking kids out of school for holidays yet fail to stop the price hiking in school holidays by travel companies!! Everything they do undermines family life and trying to make an honest living!!!!! Wake up MP's!!!!



2014-02-15 13:05

agree fully with the petition



2014-02-15 13:06

It's about time this government looked after it's own people and country.Why do we have to give so much aid to countries that do not need it, most are better of than Britain. We are becomming a laughing stock around the world as an easy touch


#496 Re:

2014-02-15 13:16



2014-02-15 13:17

It is outrageous Lord Smith should be stripped of his job & title & no golden handshake Cameron does not not give a damn about ordinary people he soon got help for his stockbrooker friends in surry. True if the house of Commons & Lords all parasites living off the working peoples backs with their allowances & expenses were in danger of flooding the army would have been there straight away. Foreign Aid should be redirected immediately to our own people has any of other country come to our people aid of course not I can see big trouble looming in this country.



2014-02-15 13:21

Some recipient countries, have publically stated that they do not need British hand-outs. In that case, that money should be re-directed, to the much flooded folk of Britain.



2014-02-15 13:47

Well done the daily mail



2014-02-15 13:55

Yes charity should begin at home regarding the floods