Mandatory Vaccinations to Enter the Alberta Public School System
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Guest |
#42014-05-03 02:35The mandatory status should never have been waived. Innoculations had literally eradicated all children's diseases until a few with loud voices had the changes made. Our children and grandchildren are at risk!! |
Guest |
#62014-05-03 06:15And yet, even with vaccinations, this generation is not expected to live longer lives than their parents. Allergies and stress related illnesses are on the rise. |
Guest |
#72014-05-03 15:18I think its ur choice if you have ur kids vacationed people who were still got the mesels so what difference dose it make |
vaxxingmom |
#8 Re:2014-05-03 16:08Vaccination does not provide a 100% guarantee that you will not get the virus. What it does is expose your immune system to it so that you can build antibodies. Therefore if ever you are exposed to the virus you can fight it off much more quickly and effectively, sometimes not showing any symptoms at all. If every child is vaccinated, the likelihood of viruses entering the community drops incredibly. This also creates almost a protective "bubble" for those more at risk, for example babies too young to vaccinate or those with immune deficiencies etc. People are quick to say who cares or it is their choice. These people are selfish, it's a choice you make that affects every person in your community. It's not deciding what color shirt to wear in the morning. |
Guest |
#92014-05-03 18:05I was a teacher for 30 years! Schools are an excellent place to spread germs. We all need as much protection as we can get! |
Guest |
#10 Re:2014-05-03 22:46vaccines are not just for the protection of those getting the vaccination. as unfortunate as it is contracting an illness even after getting vaccinated, atleast you have done your part in trying to prevent spread. |
Guest |
#112014-05-03 23:19Parents can choose not to vaccinate but then they must commit to home schooling their children. |
Annoyed with this |
#122014-05-04 00:43This is disgusting. It is a parents' constitutional right to refuse vaccinations for our children. Try all you want, this won't fly. |
I'm with Annoyed |
#132014-05-04 00:51It is Canadian law that anyone can refuse vaccinations for religious, medical or philosophical reasons. Even in provinces where vaccines are mandatory for school (like Ontario), anyone can file an exemption as long as they get it notorized. Alberta can't randomly decide to change Canadian federal law, even if this petition were to go through. |
Vaccines kill |
#14 Re: Re:2014-05-04 00:55Thats the theory, but it doesnt do anything but poison and kill children way more than any disease. |
Vaccines Kill |
#15 Re:2014-05-04 01:11Get your facts straight and educate yourself! Vaccines never eradicated anything! Smallpox vaccine killed more people than the disease itself,the countries with the highest vaccination rate had the highest deaths, proven fact!! As for polio, polio was on its way out with better sanitation and cleaner water,vaccines had nothing to do with it but they would like you to think so. The polio vaccine in itself has and is causing a paralyses itself.The only thing vaccines are doing is they are killing off our children. You need to stop believing the fear mongering propaganda. With Alberta saying thats its safe to give the MMr vaccine to 6 month olds, now you will see a higher rate in vaccine injured babies, but dont worry this industry will tell that your child was already developing these symtoms but you where to dumb to see it. Before you poison your children ask the Dr.'s for the ingrediants and the list of side effects of these poisons or better yet get them to sign a form that they are responsible if your child dies,see how fast they whistle a differant tune. |
Guest |
#162014-05-04 01:39For everyone who is too young, or for health reasons can't be immunized: my day old baby nephew, my unborn son, my friends unborn child and my grandmother. |
Guest |
#172014-05-04 02:09It is my right as a parent to choose what gets injected into my child. Vaccines are not proven to work! Where's there democracy? Canadians have rights! Land of the free! |
Guest |
#18 Re: Re: Re:2014-05-04 02:11If you care to show me any PROFESSIONAL, MEDICAL proof of this, please feel free.
Guest |
#19 Re: Re:2014-05-04 02:13Have you spoken to a doctor in the last 20 years or so? Medicine is always evolving, changing based on what we know. I'd check your own facts before spoutig your nonsense. |
Reason |
#20 No2014-05-04 03:24I value freedom of choice...Pro Vaccine or Anti. I have respect for the freedom of choice when it comes to personal health. Until vaccines are safe for all, they should not be forced as some do die from vaccines just as some die from viruses. I suggest petition to make vaccines SAFE FOR ALL! |
Guest |
#21 Re: Re:2014-05-04 03:26Go live in a bubble. |
Guest |
#22 No, Thank You.2014-05-04 05:49No procedure with the potential to cause serious reactions, no matter how rare, should EVER be mandatory. Even with medical exemptions available, it can be hard to predict who that small statistical "sacrifice for the greater good" will be. Therefore it is up to parents to weigh the risks themselves, and more importantly up to adults to decide whether or not they want to be vaccinated and keep up with their boosters. There are very real risks on both sides. Choice is the only moral option. Everyone has the right to make informed decisions. Everyone has the right to an education. End of story. |
Guest |
#23 Re: Re: Re:2014-05-04 05:54Sorry but doctors only do and know what this corrupt pharmaceutical industry tells them, Unfortunatly most doctors are as corrupt.Maybe you can show us all these deaths that are caused by these so called diseases.The only epidemic thats happening are the ones caused by vaccines.The only thing all these children who have cancers, chronic illnesses, Autisms, Asthmas, Diabetes., SYDS and so on are VACCINES!! I dont need to read BS scientific studies that are done by these organizations who make the vaccines to realize whats haopening to our children.There hasnt been a death of measels in Canada in over a decade despite of thousands who have contracted the childhood disease. Its all fearmongering. |
Guest |
#24 Re: Re: Re: Re:2014-05-04 06:11When I was speaking of deaths due to diseases I wasn't referring to recently, as far as I know there haven't been deaths at least in my area. Sorry I wasn't clear. I was referring to someone else's comment about people living before vaccines. Yes before vaccines existed we did live. We did also get diseases and also die from diseases. My main point being that while people can easily say doctors are corrupt or that big pharma is a scam, at the end of the day it's all finger pointing because perhaps those against vaccines are also corrupt and pulling bullshit out of their asses. Unless you personally have done a trial and seen first hand there is no way for you to know who is right and who is wrong. Because people unfortunately do lie. But again it's all finger pointing. We can blame vaccines for cancer, asthma etc if that makes you feel better but I'm sure it has more to do with new pollutants in our environment, colors and additives in foods, etc. And I've previously said and a simple google search would tell you as well the study linking vaccines to autism was botched. The lead researcher falsified information, they took away his licence to practice medicine. You say those pushing vaccines are fear mongering, but those against vaccines are JUST as bad. |
Guest |
#25 Re: No, Thank You.2014-05-04 06:16Well said No Thany you, unfortunatly the risks of vaccine deaths or injuries arent rare but rather very real and epidemic. This industry keeps it very limited to the public and Doctor dont report them as fear of losing their licenses or making parents think that they're stupid and that the children already had these problems but they just never seen it. Yeah like we cant tell that our children were normal until they were vaccineted. Coincidence I think not. |
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