Mandatory Vaccinations to Enter the Alberta Public School System
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guest |
#26 Pass!!!2014-05-04 08:20No vaccines for us. I would rather homeschool then. Let all the pro vaxers do there thing, then they have no one to blame but eachother for passing on what was once known as 'normal childhood illnesses' (and still is) to eachother. These illnesses will never go away because vaccines don't work!!!! |
Guest |
#27 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:2014-05-04 08:48Is that all you know is to refer to Wakefield!! No he was telling the truth but was shut down for the exposure, like any doctor would be, thats why doctors are scared to report adverse reactions, even coroners are scared to reveal the truth about children who have died of SYDS from vaccines. As for your enviroment or food theory!! highly unlikely, children at young ages arent gorging on all these chemical foods to die at a young age. Children shouldnt be dying of cancers and these other illnesses. Whats a matter with people, thr only thing these children have in common is mass vaccines!! WAKE UP!! |
Kathy |
#282014-05-04 18:12I hope this petition does the trick, far to many people are "too scared to vaccinate" regardless if its because of the chemicals in minute amounts that aren't going to be harmful, or Wakefield and McCarthy's autism claims that were completely debunked, or reading too much naturalnews. Or people who think the diseases aren't deadly when they certainly can be! Vaccinate your kids!! I know they aren't 100% but FFS they're more effective with a higher vaccination rate!! Keep diseases out of schools the best and only way we can! |
Guest |
#29 Re:2014-05-04 20:06I think its reasonable, most parents that don't vaccinate don't because they are scared of something that they don't truely understand. Or in many cases something that isn't even in the vaccines anymore. I personally believe that by not vaccinating a parent is denying their child the RIGHT to be protected from these diseases. Denying a child something this serious should be classified as abuse! |
Guest |
#30 Re: Re: Re: Re:2014-05-04 20:15Hmmm your comment screams out conspiracy theorist... time for a new tinfoil hat, the aliens have decoded your current one |
Vaccines kill |
#31 Re: Re:2014-05-05 01:02Your lying Annoyed with this!! You are so misinformed that you have no clue what your taking about. Vaccines are full of toxins and to say they are safe is completely and utterly stupid!! Vaccinating a child has a 10 fold greater chance of being injured or dieing than a miniscule amount of catching a childhood diseaes they would survive and have lifetime immunity than pumping continuous toxins for life that dont prevent anything.The child abuse comment.. that just shows your real ignorance!! |
Guest 1 |
#32 Re:2014-05-05 01:08The chemicals that are in the vaccines no matter what amounts are very damaging when injected into the childs body.You wouldnt swallow them let alone inject them in babies. Yes Vaccines cause AUTISM and now with these lies that they tested the vaccines and say its safe to inject into 6 month old babies which there never was a studie!!! will be a travesty, you will see now more children being damaged at even an earlier age. But they will deny that and say your child was already damaged before the vaccine. |
Kathy |
#33 Re: Re:2014-05-05 03:19Actually, vaccines don't cause autism, there have been MANY studies done to prove that they don't, and there have been studies done debunking the ones that have proven that they do. Here's 107 to get you started Vaccines yes have minute amount of some chemicals that in large quantities may be toxic, but in the minute amounts aren't. Or are ingredients that people recognise from something toxic, like Formaldahyde being in embalming fluid, but did you know that there is a very small amount in a vaccine compared to say what you would take in eating a pear. Mercury, as an example that is in thermosil, is organic, but is only in select flu shots, and doesn't go into any of the child hood vaccines. You ingest far more eating a tuna sandwich than you get in a vaccine. Vaccines are safe, yes, there is a 1 in a million risk of a serious side effect, but compared to the 1-3 in a 1000 chance of death from the measles that's a pretty small risk. |
Guest |
#34 Re: Re: Re:2014-05-05 03:26You actually have that backwards. There is a 1 in a million chance of a serious effect from a vaccine, there is a 1-3 in 1000 chance of dieing from the measles. That's more than ten times the chance of death from measles than death from a vaccine. I also urge you to research SSPE its a very VERY serious condition that someone who has had the measles can get. In fact its risk is exactly the same in numbers as a serious vaccine injury, so yes its rare, but it always includes death. The thing with SSPE is you... or your child whoever gets it may not even show signs of it for 7, 10, or even 30 years after you think they've fully recovered from the measles. This is a good example, the boy when the article was written hadn't died yet, but when you see the quality of life that is a result from the measles... is it worth taking that risk when there are so many more risks than that vaccine? |
Guest |
#352014-05-05 04:19I believe that for everyone to stay protected against disease that EVERYONE who can be vaccinated MUST be vaccinated. Conscientious objection is a lie and fraud, and should not be acceptable as an excuse for being irresponsible and disresectful to the rest of society. It has been proven that vaccines save lives, and that they are NOT dangerous. Why give antivaxers credit for blatant lies and misinformation? Just because a deregistered quack from England was chasing money with his own vaccine 16 years ago and put a scare into anyone who listened to him doesn't mean he wasn't lying and a fraud. Wakefield was struck off rightfully and his paper was retracted - rightfully so. So for anyone to listen to idiots proclaiming that vaccines are evil, that they shed disease, that they cause autism is just plain crazy. Mandatory vaccination is a must - and it should have been legislated worldwide. |
Guest |
#37 Re: Re: Re: Re:2014-05-05 07:02Again your stats are incorrect, of course the propagandist CDC would like you to believe those stats.Over 400 measels cases in BC no deaths. The 1 in a million of being injured by vaccine is another lie. . 1in 68 have Autism not to mention childhood cancers, lifetime chronic illnesses, SYDS deaths, all those vaccine related thats almost 1in 20 or 30 that arent reported..Your continuos comments about Dr. Wakefield shows just how closeinde you are. Man are you peoole brainwashed, there is no amount of safe toxins being injected in children.Stop pushing your ignorant knowledge so people can damage their children with vsccines and scare tactics against these childhood diseases. All these studies are done and paid for by the corrupt pharma. Next your gonna tell us that GMO foods are safe that the FDA approved like vaccines that they only have small amounts of chemicals and that they are safe to eat because Monsanto did their own studies and says so!!
Guest |
#38 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:2014-05-05 10:00Man are you a jerk. CDC propagandists? Who are you kidding? Obviously have your tin hat screwed on too tight, #37 because all the woo about vaccines being dangerous is just that - woo. How the hell can you antivaxers honestly believe the tripe you come up with astounds me. FFS you obviously never learned anything in your 'schooling', and I bet my 'nads that you antivax idiots were all vaccinated as kids, and are as healthy as any of us who advocate for vaccination. In other words, all you antivaxeer morons (and moron to you is a compliment) are just a bunch of ignorant HYPOCRITES who think just because some QUACK like Fraudfield oe Jerkola said something it has to be true. Frankly, I hope you hypocrites actually DO catch a disease - then you'll be the first bunch of Wallies running to the nearest hopital screaming for help. Antivaxers - as bleeding nutty as you can get. |
Guest |
#39 Re: Re: Re:2014-05-05 10:17To Vaccines Kill: Bullshit. Have you ever actually DONE any REAL research? Or are you making this stuff up out of your addled imagination just to show that you CAN type? Maybe if your parents actually gave you some facts about WHY you were vaccinated before letting you loose on spciety then it might have made you a better person. Without that knowledge, you listened to some QUACK and thought up every conspiracy theory just to satisfy some weird notion that vaccines were dangerous and the government was out to kill you. Obviously, you have drunk the kool-aid the cultist antivaxers have force-fed you, and have become nuttier than a toolkit. Ah well, at least I know that I'll be safe from your diseases. Cos I do the right thing and VACCINATE. You, on the other hand may as wel reserve your spot at the nearest cemetary. That's where people who catch disease end up when they DIE. |
Guest |
#402014-05-05 14:16If you can discern between peer-reviewed research and pseudo-science, you will come to the same conclusion - vaccination is safe and responsible. |
Guest |
#41 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:2014-05-05 19:55400 cases in BC and no deaths, well considering it wasn't upto 1000 that shows absolutely NOTHING. 1 in 68 have Autism, shows agan NOTHING why? Because autism is NOT caused by vaccines. If your 1 in 20 or 30 were anywhere near anything realistic everyone would know at least 1-2 people with vaccine injuries, guess what, I know none, yup that's right NONE! Loosen you're tinfoil hat, close your tab with NaturalNews in it, quit reading Mercola's garbage, and go vaccinate your kids... oh wait google SSPE... read the story about Max that's already been posted. And there's no REAL proof that GMO's in general aren't safe, its Monsanto's practices that make them questionable. |
Right to choose 22 |
#422014-05-05 20:43Did you know there are 3 types of exemption 1) medical 2) philosophical and 3) religious. Try as you might to keep the unvaccinated out of schools, but it will never fully happen. I think in a "free"country you should have a choice. Should I tell you whether to breast feed or bottle feed? My grandparents were not vaccinated and are the healthiest people I know. All the generations after are sicker with cancer, chronic ear infections, arthritis, asthma, allergies to name a few. I wholeheartedly believe vaccinations play a huge roll on all of these. plus gmo's, pesticides, herbicides etc. We are a sick generation. |
Wonderingwhy |
#43 Ever wonder?2014-05-05 23:20Has any one else noticed the states on education level and IQ for parents who vaccinate and who don't. It seems those with much higher education level are trending not to vaccinate. Is there something going on they know we do not? Is there something they know that we do not? If the smart people are not vaccinating they might know something we don't. |
HateingQuackSites |
#44 Re: Ever wonder?2014-05-06 05:24#43: Wonderingwhy - Ever wonder? First off, take anything you read off of health impact news with a grain of salt. Its like a conspiracy theory site for health nuts. Just because a site claims to be about good heath with the name, doesn't mean it is. Notice at the top right hand side there are ads selling stuff?? That's usually a sign that they are no more trust worthy than NaturalNews or Many people who claim to have done their "research" have these sources as main sites rather than sites with real, science based information. Same page has an articl claiming measles vaccine failure, when indeed it hasn't failed. It has a very high success rate. |
Guest |
#45 Re: Ever wonder?2014-05-06 05:42#43: Wonderingwhy - Ever wonder? did you see the graph on that page? A straight line?? That screams out doctored... as well it is researched by a naturopath. Of the 4 pages cited at the bottom, one is a bad link, one talks about the already debunked controversay about autism and vaccines, one only talks about food, no vaccines, and the last one has nothing about educated, only mothers who hadn't completed school and in their words not mine black children. I see no cited information in there at all and no studies linked to actually prove these so called claims. |
Guest |
#462014-05-07 18:07“The child's right to health is more than the rights of parents to the (wrong) choice.” |
Guest |
#472014-05-07 21:20In Victoria, Australia our children HAVE to be vaccinated to attend school. Our schedule is finished for school entry at 4 years old and then in Year 7 (12yo) boys and girls have their HPV (Gardasil) course of 3 vaccines and in year 10 (16yo) they have their final vaccine in the schedule of Boostrix (ADT & pertussus). We have great immunisation rates of well over 90% in most areas and you must have a letter from your GP for objection stating you have been counselled and are fully aware of the risks to your child of not vaccinating should you want to attend school without being fully vaccinated. Until recently primary care gives were given payment in Social Security when vaccination goals were reached with their child. Of course there are children who are home schooled and some may well be not vaccinated. All vaccinations are free in the schedule and also for catch up's for new residents. Good Luck with this petition |
Guest |
#492014-05-07 22:44The bottom line is that all evidence and real science points to the possibility of a serious public health risk if something isn't done. If I were to see any valid, legitimate based on science evidence that they were not safe, I would be the first to vote against this. There isn't any. Yet people still choose to believe in conspiracy and quackery. Mandatory vaccination to enter the public school system is certainly not a violation of rights. In fact, the opposite is true. It is the rights of children being put at risk that are being violated. We have lot's of laws in society to protect the general public. This law is necessary and long overdue. |
removing-my-sig-now |
#50 After listening to qr770 i am removing my self from this2014-05-08 06:26After listening to this i am removing myself from the list. Hearing the other side of the story is heart breaking. This is very worth listening too. |
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