Free john the local bird man
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Free john the local bird man.
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#762014-05-28 19:55What an absolute disgrace that this man has been jailed for feeding birds :/ yet a repeat offender can damage my property and get a £50 fine - What the hell has happened to our Justice System? |
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#782014-05-28 20:08FFS! With all the shite happening on our planet, why does a man feeding birds become an issue????? I despair at the lack of humanity and absolute embarrassment this article brings to the normal people of the human race! |
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#792014-05-28 20:12I was in Durham City one night, with my boyfriend, when my 17-year-old friend got attacked by two fully grown men. Thankfully, the bus pulled up and my boyfriend and our other friend managed to get her onto the bus. My friend called the police and one of the men got apprehended. He was let out after spending three nights in local lock-up. No punishment came his way whatsoever. He was just let out. |
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#812014-05-28 20:23What is wrong with you Lancaster Council? Control the pigeons properly and humanely by contacting PiCAS. Many other councils through out the country have. A lonely old man who should be looked after, not villified, goes to prison for feeding his feathered friends and yet, the drug dealers, wife beaters, those who leave all their food and waste all over the street including their dogs continue to walk free. I read of some low life recently who kicked his little pup to death, got exactly the same sentence! What a shameful council you are. |
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#822014-05-28 20:28this man doesent need to be put in prison he need other help he loves his birds and thats all he has left in the world wye prison thats not going to help him were is the care and help this vonrebel man needs please help him live his life the way he wants to live people have wrights let him live that is his wright pls help |
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#832014-05-28 20:34i know john and have spoke to him alot and i think its out of order at what they have done xxxxxxxx |
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#842014-05-28 21:08I get why people think this is out of order but I also get why it has happened I lived across the road from this man for over five years and it wasn't a pleasant experience This first few times I walked passed I tried to greet him politely and was given a rude response... Now I also get the trouble he has had in the past with kids who need a good arse kickin.... But I have also seen kids playing out side their home and receiving verbal abuse from him for no reason except the birds didn't come to feed cause the kids were playing .. I had to walk past his house to get to the shop and I was either walking in bird shit which literally covers the street or having to walk towards over hundred birds which then start to scatter and fly at and around you which is not pleasant... Imagine if you were the person who lived next door to him and the damage to there house and the health hazard cause this is not a man feeding a few birds that would be pleasant the is over hundred pigeons all the time shitting all over where children want to play.... I do not condone bad behaved children and have told some to get lost and leave him alone but my biggest worry was the state of his house from the birds getting in side it is not healthy for him or anyone who lives close to him. I feel prison is too far but his feeding the birds was an extreme and unhealthy... |
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#852014-05-28 21:18I think this is discusting that poor man imagine what he is feeling right now descrace of a society we live in ... FREE JOHN LET HIM LIVE LIFE HOW HE WANTS... He doesnt steal to feed his friends he doesnt commit any crime but feeding birds poor poor guy |
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#86 Re:2014-05-28 21:26We made sure he saw that clip online at West End Impact he was very impressed by it - thank you!! |
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#872014-05-28 21:48I presentment will not help rehabilitate someone like our bird man with mental health issues |
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#882014-05-28 21:48British society is falling down... Murders, rapist, pedophiles go free with with suspended sentences or electronic tagging, pigeon lovers goes to the prison. The end of the UK i coming soon... |
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#892014-05-28 22:02Free him, this man is lovely and far from a criminal. I got my windows smashed in by drugged up chavs and they got a small fine. This guy feeds birds and gets 6 week? God help this world. |
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#902014-05-28 22:23I, as a child fed the pigeon's, and so did my kids.. we didn't have ducks nearby, so the pigeons were the next best thing. pigeon's saved many a life during WW1, a pigeon got medal for it's bravery in ww1... release john and let him continue feeding the pigeons... if that brings him happiness, who are the council to say NO |
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#912014-05-28 22:47this man does this because he loves the pigeons. shame people who hurt and kill pets should go to prison. not this kind hearted man who proves hes an animal lover xxx |
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#932014-05-28 23:26Who are the small minded people who have done this to a kindly old man? |
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#942014-05-28 23:34Feed the birds tuppence a bag a favourite song.Feed the birds and get an ASBO is taking things a bit far. x |
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#952014-05-29 00:26this is the most asinine thing I have ever seen. If he was selling dope on the corner he wouldn't have gotten in any more trouble, I will be that they don't want the pigeons because they poop on their damn cars |
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#962014-05-29 00:27This man is selflessly caring for the birds, that should not be a crime! Pigeons are intelligent creatures and shouldn't be feared or looked down upon. Let this poor man do what he loves, take care of his birds. |
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#992014-05-29 08:08Ridiculous this guy was jailed for showing compassion to pigeons,I would much rather see a flock of pigeons than a crowd of people! This guy is far better than the idiots that were offended by him feeding birds!! |
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