Petition for a Balanced Calendar in Cobb Schools


/ #46 Here's my 2 cents

2012-01-12 04:01

Im a MS teacher. I felt that the more "balanced" calendar was nice. I do feel that it gave the kids time to mentally rest and come back to school with a refreshed perspective. Teachers do not need to be "dissuaded" from taking a day off. Please understand that teachers have families, appointments and errands to do as everyone else. We do not have telephones on our desks to make necessary phone calls, coffee breaks or a free lunch hour. I can't even go to the restroom without notifying at least two other adults to watch the kids. We get to work before anything is open and we leave when many offices are closed. I'm not complaining. I'm just explaining. There are days teachers need to take off. I assure you on our salaries we are not off on a trip around the world. None of this is a reason to change a school calendar.

I've read many of the postings here and it sounds just like the students, and they are 12 years old. There needs to be data to show benefits of any schedule. There must be other counties in the U.S. that have been on various schedules and have available data to support or negate any change. Whining will not help the cause. Do I think the Board acted horribly? Yes. Do I think they could care less what Cobb families want? Yes. Will I vote them out as soon as possible? Yes. But, proof is needed. Frankly, I don't even think they will care about cold hard facts either.

I do not care which schedule is put in place. It really has little effect on my job or the amount of care and effort I put into my profession. I love teaching my students, and in my 20+ years experience there are good days and bad days no matter what schedule we are using.
I do my civic duty,and I encourage other residents of Cobb to do theirs.