Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I am signing this because from all the evidences it's quiet evident that COVID19 man made intended pandemic.

Kumar Swamy DS (Bangalore, 2021-10-16)


Je to strašne čo sa deje

Slavomír Straka (Lúčka, 2021-10-16)


Pretože treba podpísať...

Marián Majcher (Námestovo, 2021-10-16)


I’m signing this because I have courage through almighty God the Father.

Julie Mack (Goodrich, 2021-10-16)


I’m horrified at the abuse of people’s rights and freedoms and the last thing I want for my children and grandchildren is to be caged and forced to live in a society ruled by a corrupt and selfish government.

Annie Hilliar (Melbourne , 2021-10-16)


Crimes against humanity!

Tamara Leighton (Port Douglas, 2021-10-16)


i'm signing to help uphold the Nuremberg war code and free my country

johnathon hertwig (mooroopna, 2021-10-16)


Our state of Victoria, Australia has been crushed by the government and their policies of containment, lockdown of movement and business operation and the mandatory requirement if vaccination to participate in employment and social activity

Anthony Dench (Melbourne, 2021-10-16)


I am concerned about the coercion to vaccinate against COVID-19 and the suppression of proper scientific investigation of the vaccines. I am alarmed that ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine have been banned for treatment of COVID-19 in favour of vaccines and much more expensive treatments. People are dying because they are not treated as soon as they are diagnosed. The huge censorship on the internet of discourse about COVID-10 vaccinations and treatments is unprecedented. I worry about the harm that may well come to those vaccinated against COVID-19 and about the unresolved questions of fertility for young people and children. Myocarditis and death after COVID-19 vaccinations do mean that the vaccine rollout should be halted. Where are we headed?

Alfiah Blond (ST JAMES, 2021-10-16)


Creating Tyrannt Governments world wide who abuse their power to remove our constitutional rights to free speech, movement and forcing it's citizens to partake in medical experiments through mandatory vaccinations.
Silencing, criminalising and making outcasts of those that resist.
Thank you

Belinda L (Thornbury, 2021-10-16)


This crimes against humanity should be investigated properly so we can hold criminals accountable.

Violeta Sukiasyan (Burbank, 2021-10-16)


Jsou porusovana lidska prava a vsech 10bodu Norimberskeho kodexu....a kvuli ne bojovat!!!

Lucie Koreckova (Chrudim , 2021-10-16)


I'm signing because I uphold democratic rights and support anti-discrimination.
Further, I support worldwide access to affordable and effective healthcare that is not biased by the plainly obvious shareholder interest of Phizer and Co
They manipulate governments to spend valuable tax payer money on damaging and non-effective medical experiments

Ulrike Celik (Centennial Park, 2021-10-16)


Treba zastaviť zločincov ktorí páchajú zločin na narode a pošliapavajú naše ľudské práva

Janka Lukáčová (98101 Hnúšťa Klokočova 733/21, 2021-10-16)


I have enough!!! All layers and don’t believe at all!

Patricius Popovic (Bristol, 2021-10-16)



Monika Oraveczova (Čata, 2021-10-16)


It's fasism.

Michal Houdek (Chomutov, 2021-10-16)


Kmetova Vlasta

Vlasta Kmetova (Banska Bystrica, 2021-10-16)


Niesom pokusný králik aby na mne skúšali experimentálne vakcíny. Som občan ktorý prišiel o svoje práva žiť slobodne. Spôsoby mnohých vlád sa dajú charakterizovať ako genocída vlastných národov. Ako si može dovoliť niekolko sto ludí vo vládach či parlamentoch obrať niekoľko miliónov ľudí o slobodu. koľko ľudí dohnali k samovraždám. Koľkých lodí poslali na ulicu. Je to nehorázne a nesmie im to prejsť. Ako vrahovi nesmie prejsť trest tak týmto nadľuďom to tiež nesmie len tak prejsť.

Metod Greguš (Žilina, 2021-10-16)


All humans are free and can govern themselves.

Sorin Vaclas (Chyňava, 2021-10-16)


Contre la dictature et le pass

Nathalie Bottlang (Fribourg , 2021-10-16)


I dont trust a vaccine that has been made in a span of 6 months or less

Kelly Kelly (Kuwait, 2021-10-16)


True needs to be revealed

Michal Kuba (Vojslavice 59, 2021-10-16)


Nejhorší zločin co se děje... zločin na starcích, a co horší - na dětech.... Zrůdnost největší....
Soudit...odsoudit... trest smrti za zaprodání....otročení....

Marcela Navrátilová (Javorník, 2021-10-16)


There is no doubt from all the evidence gathered that a group of persons have committed crimes against the people of this world and if left unchecked and unpunished the future of humanity will be in great jeopardy...

Anthony Cincotta (Scarsdale, 2021-10-16)


There Is no point to take 3 or more vaccins .. is just an another type of flue .. u get it and thats it .. goverment bullshit

Michal Zistiak (Ruzomberok, 2021-10-16)


about my daughter

Jana Váchová (Podluhy, 2021-10-16)


I’m against this Tyranny!!

Gretchen Rivera (Bronx , 2021-10-16)


Hay que parar esta locura!!!

Baťo Hangonyi (Madrid, 2021-10-16)


Because this is the right!

Beata Bindea (Pécs , 2021-10-16)


These criminals need to be brought to justice.

peter Ash (Bude, 2021-10-16)


I'm signing because there needs to be accountability

Paul Ataya (Auckland , 2021-10-16)


Mi interessa la libertà del umanità!

Ida Petkova (Assisi, 2021-10-16)


Everything about this is wrong beyond comprehension and it needs to stop before meore people are killed.

Nadette Brown (Kelowna , 2021-10-16)


أوقع هذا الالتماس لان الشركات المصنعة للقاحات لا تتمتع بالشفافية واخفاء المعلومات وعدم معرفة الاثارة الجانبية بعيدة المدى

mohammed baqir (baghdad, 2021-10-16)


I'm supporting human right

Teresa Cheung (Melbourne , 2021-10-16)


My Australian Goverment is mandating the vaccine and discriminating against my rights.

Dail Platz (Karalee, 2021-10-16)


Those that know what they’re doing need to receive the justice that common people receive, The lopsided hierarchy of justice and judgement need to be reversed, the corrupt do not belong in this beautiful country

Nilsson Daryl (Sandgate, 2021-10-16)


I'm signing because I feel it is vital to support all actions seeking to find out the truth about what is going on.

Paul Black (Woking, 2021-10-16)



Zuzana Baumannová (Bratislava, 2021-10-16)


Every dog has their day. I am praying that this is their day. Enough is enough. They should be tried for crimes against humanity and jailed for what they have done to this country.

Janine Hughes (Cardiff , 2021-10-16)


I love true And freedom

Václav Vaněk (Benešov Nad Černou, 2021-10-16)


Because they have committed Crimes against children and crimes against humanity

Sam Al suhairy (Manila, 2021-10-16)


I agree with the petition

Jiří Nosek (Háj u Duchcova, 2021-10-16)


Human rights! The truth must prevail!

Deidre Conradie (Cape Town, 2021-10-16)


We want to be free

Didier Russo (Hayange, 2021-10-16)


Podpisujem, pretoże nesúhlasím s proticovidovými opatreniami, tak ako sÚ nastavene, test - aby clovek mohol íst do práce ... t.j. obmedzovaním ĺudskej slobody a dôstojnosti, podmienovaním zdravotnej starostlivosti absolvovanim PCR a Ag testovania, nedostatočným liečenim, šírenim strachu a segregáciou medzi obyvatelmi zo strany vlády SR
a korporatnych medii.

Juraj Jurcik (Poprad, 2021-10-16)


Because it's immoral Evil & they are all disgusting putrid corrupt criminal murderers of the worst kind,& even bullets are too kind for them, too quick, too remorseful, they all deserve to suffer in excruciating pain & misery for all Eternity for what they have all done to millions of innocent good people & the whole world, THOU SHALT NOT KILL, the corrupt immoral system has dealt me injustices for 30 years & they owe me $$$$$millions but its not about money for me its about JUSTICE & i want every single one of them completely stripped of their dishonest assets & freeze their accounts & string them all up by their weak cowardly balls for all Eternity

Alexander King (Sydney, 2021-10-16)


Vaccine and mask mandates are constitutional.

Tempe Mays (Fort Worth, 2021-10-16)


i agree

olga bazgerova (svaty jur, 2021-10-16)


I am signing this petition because humanity has the Right to live without fear from Fascist policy and Dictators who usurp the rights of people to the detriment of the people. True justice is Democracy, freedom of Speech, Freedom of Movement... Religious freedoms. The right to not be enslaved, the right to free thought, the right to be yourself. Truth and Fairness, Equity and equality before the law.


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