Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Have suspected from the beginning that the Chinese communists were using the corona virus as a political weapon to help their agents and cohorts in the US unseat President Trump.

Steven Polgar (Phoenixville, 2021-10-28)


I believe that these people have committed a crime against the world. And they should pay it back.

Debbie Elliott (fletcher, 2021-10-28)


We promised our ancestors that we will never let history repeat itself and we failed! We have let evil people take away our rights and kill under the disguise of it’s for your health & build back back !

Avvâ Peries (Morayshire , 2021-10-28)


I want this non-sense to stop.

Ronald Conger (Eindhoven, 2021-10-28)


This is the right thing to do

Marcus Margot (centurion, 2021-10-28)


I want better world for our children.

Jana Sládečeková (Niyra, 2021-10-28)


Everything about this "pandemic" is fraught with deception and manipulation. This not about health but about killing human beings.

Jeannon Kralj (Austin, 2021-10-28)


We cannot allow our supposedly elected representatives to impose experimental medical procedures on the populace. Especially when the manufacturers enjoy immunity for prosecution for side-effects! If insurance companies will not indemnify the Pharma companies for the risks incurred by their products, they should not be mandated for use and the use of coercive methods to impose their use is ethically and morally repugnant!

Nic Wilson-Smith (Wellington, 2021-10-28)


Government & Big Pharmacy hiding horrible side effects from vaccines.

Rosemary Pinkham (Brandon, 2021-10-28)


Tyranny will not be tolerated! I do not consent!

Kimberly Genade (Benoni, 2021-10-28)


I'm shocked, how people can act against people!
Freedom and a good Life NOW!

Oliver Roman (Rabenstein , 2021-10-28)


There should be justice for the crimes they have commented to humanity .

John White (Reno, 2021-10-28)


I care !

Todd Priest (Williamson, 2021-10-28)


The vaccine kills more than it saves. Look at the science.

Lynda Del Missier (Charlotte , 2021-10-28)


The truth and the evidence matter! It is criminal NOT to sign this petition. Being complicit with the lies is criminal!

Andra Floyd (Nacogdoches, 2021-10-28)


Because they need to be bought to justice for the crimes they are committing or they will continue to do so

Sue Baker (Chester, 2021-10-28)


I am doing my part on standing up for our fundamental rights for freedom.

robert hendrickson (bemidji, 2021-10-28)


Depopulation, pure & simple!

Dan Markle (HILLSBOROUGH, 2021-10-28)


I believe this covid and the vaccines are a sinister plot against humanity

Chiara Shortridge (Oregon city, 2021-10-28)


Shalom, I want to believe that there is still a peaceful way to stop this assassination on humans, specially for the ones that cannot defend themselves, our seniors citizens, our children and people that are already suffering from health problems.

You, the court are the last peaceful venue to stop this human genocide.
May G-d give you the strength to help humans to stop this war and recover our mind freedom.
Hopefully at this point humans have realize that spiritual growth should be parallel to financial growth.
May everyone realize that society needs to change for the better by caring for each other further than our families and friends..
G-d protect us all!
Please this is an URGENT matter ❤️

Orli Berman (Sydney, 2021-10-28)


I'm against mandates and lock downs. It's not based on the true science. There's clearly another agenda at play with no intent of keeping humanity safe or healthy but intent to harm and kill.

Marni Thomas (Stellenbosch, 2021-10-28)


We must bring these criminals to account.

Glenn Walker (Hendersonville, 2021-10-28)


I am signing as the illegal, anti-human, anti-institutional and totalitarian crimes on people who have the right in the choice of taking care of their health. I am taking care of myself, my physical and psychic state better than a vaccine which is being enforced on us with the use of lies, threats and discrimination and segregation pressure.

Karolína Jandová (Prague, 2021-10-28)


I believe in freedom!!!!

Raymond Royer (Deerfield Beach, 2021-10-28)


The people who created and perpetuate this global catastrophe on humanity need to be stopped and held accountable for the death and destruction they have caused.

Jocelyn Cash (Matthews, 2021-10-28)


This is a CRIME against Humanity!! Have we learned Nothing from the Nazi experiments of WWII?? What happened to never again!!!!!

James & Debra Stephenson (Hilton Head Island, 2021-10-28)


I am so Tired of the Corruption and Evil.

Donna Jones (Gordondale, 2021-10-28)


Vaccine mandates and vaccination passports are introduced by federal and provincial governments in Canada which result in people being coerced, discriminated against and bullied. This is against Canadian and international laws.

Nina Polyakova (Milton, 2021-10-28)


I believe that governments worldwide are committing crimes against humanity.

Marie Boucher (Seeley's Bay, 2021-10-28)


I am a loving member of Humanity who cannot see the continuation of crimes being committed against people who are being slaughtered over the covid vaccination and their future lives. Please help Humanity. Please give us life and freedom to be whom God made us; people with intent to love and to be human beings sharing a planet together.

Josephine Coppola (Philadelphia, 2021-10-28)


Crimes against Humanity

Kimberly Winsor (Faribault, 2021-10-28)


The ones responsible need to be held accountable.

Bryan Gibson (Cuba , 2021-10-28)


What is happening in the United States and around the world is absolutely criminal. Many of the authorities are turning their backs on the people and what the people want. The pharmaceutical companies and the powers to be that are pushing this vaccine and killing and maiming innocent people need to be held accountable.
The American people are standing we will no longer tolerate a totalitarian government and I believe the rest of the world is in agreement

Teresa Mccabe (Mamaroneck, 2021-10-28)


What is happening in many many countries around the world fueled by greed & overuse of authority by the so called leaders is unconstitutional, immoral & against so many acts that were designed to protect us the citizens. This needs to end now!

Yolande Kingham (Perth, 2021-10-28)


This needs to end

Wood Phil (York, 2021-10-28)


I'm signing because of complete and underhanded direction of medical procedures. What happened to "do no harm". Why do we have a government "for the people, by the people". Enslave the people with medical tyranny.

Jeffrey mcgunnigle (haddonfield, nj, 2021-10-28)


My husband died because of the Pfizer shot.

Constance Maynard (Santa Clara, 2021-10-28)


I oppose criminal activity

Tracy Crahan (West Yarmouth , 2021-10-28)


Jack Bruce

Jack Bruce (St. John’s , 2021-10-28)


I feel that our future rests on the outcome of these and other investigations. It has been apparent that our God given rights are being taken away from us, in particular since March 2020. The coercion of the human population into a mass experiment with a Covid-19 injection, particularly with the dangers of it becoming more apparent, causes me much concern. I also feel that Covid-19 has been used by governments as a psychological weapon, along with misleading information being spread by mainstream media.

To finish, the bravery of those who are pushing for these investigations needs to be commended.

Colin Roper (Hoylake, 2021-10-28)


This IS the biggest crime in all of humanity.

James Thornton (Springfield, 2021-10-28)


I am signing because a. I want these criminals brought to justice as soon as possible and b. I want a fair and honest future for the next generations.

Antoinette Taylor (Carlisle, 2021-10-28)


I am a US citizen living outside the US. I oppose all efforts to cooerce, bribe, intimidate, or force anyone to take any medication without informed consent and/or against their will. Those who have perpetrated these acts should be held accountable for crimes against humanity and penalized to the maximum extent allowed.

Kenneth Haile (Villa de Leyva, 2021-10-28)


Truth, freedom and the God given right to be alive on Earth are so worth fighting abasing evil for.

Fraser Hart (Hinckley, 2021-10-28)


When tyranny becomes law, rebellion become duty. Medical tyranny must be stopped worldwide by any and all means possible.

Candy Peavy (Shreveport, 2021-10-28)


This is criminal, this is global and the kids are going to be slaughtered. This is depopulation and exceeding wicked.

Cassandra Lee (Heikei, 2021-10-28)


The extinction of humanity is at stake.

Darren Clarke (Toronto, 2021-10-28)


I am signing this to uphold the US Constitution. I have a right not to be vaccinated

Mark Hartnagel ( Jamesville , 2021-10-28)


There has been egregious offenses against humanity and if this is not investigated and prosecuted, there is an even greater crime!

Sherry Handley (Wayne, 2021-10-28)


I demand that the public be told the truth.

Betsy Blackstock (Knoxville, 2021-10-28)


I support this petition

James Dill (Bar harbor, maine, 2021-10-28)


God gave us all ultimate freedom of our own God given rights as human beings created in His image. No to tyranny.

Jeremy Mosley (Columbia, 2021-10-28)


For the sake of ours and our kid’s future

Robbie James (Montrose, 2021-10-28)


I believe many wrongs have been made & people need to be held accountable.

Nancy Schramek (Delanson, 2021-10-28)


These people need to be held accountable and prosecuted!

Jennifer Garcia (MONTROSE, 2021-10-28)


I want to see this travesty against the American people and other nations STOPPED

Judith Cline (Monticello, 2021-10-28)


I am signing this petition because it is urgent that the perpetrators be brought to justice for violating humanity with this wicked, evil COVID-19 virus.

Sherri Uria-Belmar (Windermere, 2021-10-28)


I am signing this petition to the international Criminal Court to the United Nation against the
usage of the vaccine who is killing people. This petition is to hold the responsible people for this vaccine especially against the children. Mandating a vaccine is against the right of the people, citizens have the right to refuse the mandate of the vaccine it is illegal.

RITA AKEN (Oxnard, 2021-10-28)


My rights are being taken away, my children's rights are being taken away, someone needs to be stopped!

Wagner Gail (Middle Sackville, 2021-10-28)


I am signing this petition because it is time that those individuals behind so many horrible viruses that has killed many and harmed so many others and families put to justice for good if not to death! I am one of those victims

Scott Anthony (Irving , 2021-10-28)


I I have had enough

Cindy Geard (Waterdown , 2021-10-28)


The Covid-19 vaccines have not proven to To you as promised or expected: Prevent Covid-19, nor transmitting it. It seems unsafe at best and a risk to people’s lives when the Covid survival rate in general is 99%. I begin to question the motives of individuals who are in favor of promoting this nonsense.

Brigitte Stanton (Westerville , 2021-10-28)


The vaccin is not correct approved.

The vaccin has contamination.

It is against the constitution to mandate the vaccin.

The virus do not kill more people than the ordinary season flue.

The, so called, vaccin kill people and have serious side effects.


Stefan Sjöblom (Gothenburg, 2021-10-28)


Because when you follow the money, it is blatantly obvious that it has nothing to do with safety and is strictly about money and control.

Jason Hovinga (Kitchener, 2021-10-28)


This is not a vaccine it a genetic modification technology that is making pharmaceutical companies rich at the expense of human lives.

Michael Martin (Kenosha, 2021-10-28)


I want justice to be served to protect humanity

Nicola McKenzie-Courtney (Dunfermline, 2021-10-28)


I am signing in defense of our rights and freedoms, that have been stolen from us over the last 18 months.

Susan Hubbard (Gorrie, 2021-10-28)


Its the right thing to do for those who placed trust in these officials and paid the highest cost.

Geoff Felt (West Seneca, 2021-10-28)


I heard these plans from Luciferians many years ago (2005), including the name Barack Hussein Obama being the next President (supposedly due to remote viewing but I doubt it) on a podcast (Aaron C. Donahue, formerly with the STARGATE/Major Ed Dames crowd) when I was trying to ascertain how they predicted lotto numbers. At the time, they didn't specify if it would be H1N1, H5N1, etc but they wanted "useless eaters" dead and spoke of how nice it would be without traffic congestion and similar, specifically by the use of a pathogen. Now, it seems they've shifted their efforts on the vaccine in conjunction with weaponized pathogens, which the entire planet is dealing with right now. Other goals seem to simply be using people as lab rats, letting themselves shoot up God-knows what. These people are evil and must be exposed and stopped. They want to KILL US, even those in their own ranks, they don't care. They're literally insane, sub-human pieces of shit. Time to take out the TRASH.

J Smith (Belpre, 2021-10-28)


I feel very strongly that there is massive criminal activity behind covid and vaccines. These criminals must be held accountable for their crimes against humanity. Please do your part to ensure humanity a safe and peaceful future by removing these culprits before it is too late.

Susan Chan (West Hartford, 2021-10-28)

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