Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



We are coming for you. Loosen your collars

Elizabeth Nowell (Montreal, 2021-11-12)


There are very bad Bills passed through Parliament constricting the human rights and civil rights and liberties of the UK. THE DEMOCRATIC Nation has had no say in these bills and we want them deleted now. The civid figures have become laughable and people have lost all confidence in those inflicting their thuggish commands on the dear people of the UK nation.

Antoinette Martin (Worthing West Sussex, 2021-11-12)


It is a shame to make believe people that there is no treatment to Covid, to exclude people from public life, including education because they refuse experimental inoculation.

Cyrille Hurstel (Obernai, 2021-11-12)


Crimes against humanity. I do not consent to

Jackie A (Melbourne , 2021-11-12)


Treba zastaviť toto potláčanie ľudských práv.

Milan Paprnak (Lucenec, 2021-11-12)


I lost my job because i refused to be given an experimental injection.
No government should have the power to make a person lose their means of feeding their family and keeping a roof over their heads.
Governments that do this are dictators and tyrants

Simone Bennett (Kempsey, 2021-11-12)


I am signing because of the human rights abuse being experienced in Australia. People are losing their jobs, people are being coerced into being vaccinated, and we are now seeing the development of a two tier society, those being rewarded for taking the vaccine and those discriminated against for refusing to take it. We are under threat of losing our basic rights and freedom of choice. Medical services are even being denied by some if you are not vaccinated. Centres are being built with security only found in prisons, under the guise of being detention centres. Australia is no longer a free country, but is under siege with State Leaders becoming self proclaimed dictators. All because of a vaccine!

Anibal Figueiredo (Brisbane, 2021-11-12)


I am signing, because I am a mother of 3 and the grand mother of 20, my opinion was when they issued me a treaty to no jab no job, it is said is mandatory, how about those others they have family, they want to feed their children. I choose not to be vaccinated then they kick me out. How am I to pay my rent my daily basis needs, and beside I don’t won’t my children to be separated from me because, I can’t afford to pay my rent and they said to me where are you going now mum. For me I don’t mind at all, I can survive but those people they have to pay their bills food everyday every necessity of their life. Was crushed due too mandatory vaccine, or we called it financial hostages. Where is our freedom our right and honour as a human being is diminishing because the government has taken it without asking us, without our knowledge of this vaccination. The government’s made their own decision without letting the people know about the consequences of this experimental vaccine. We are not a guinea pig, rats or a mouse to be the experimental. We are human being. We work for the country for our own survival in this world.

Jerlyn Grimmett (Anula, 2021-11-12)


I am a Canadian citizen who is concerned about mine and my loved ones safety. The evidence brought forward, that crimes have been committed against humanity is worth investigation and those found to be guilty, should be punished at the full extent of the law.

Treina Walker (Ottawa, 2021-11-12)


Estoy en contra de la obligatoriedad de la mal llamada vacuna contra el Covid 19, estoy en contra del experimento masivo al que están sometiendo a la humanidad todo por intereses de algunos.

Francis Gabriela López (Tegucigalpa , 2021-11-12)


My body my choice

Nicole Keenan (Selkirk, 2021-11-12)


I’m signing because the people and organizations behind these shots and the falsehoods they back them with must be held accountable.

Gavin McCrary (Broken Arrow, OK, 2021-11-12)


justice , law, human rights and humanity are broken every day across worl especially in my country Slovakia

Tatiana Sedová (Bratislava, 2021-11-12)


The people need justice and the madness has to end.

Kassie Locker (Lake Dallas, 2021-11-12)


Si tout cela est vrai..
J'ai honte que les hautes autorités du monde entier en soient rendues à sacrifier des humains au nom de la crainte,d'un pseudo-respect envers des élites (qui savent,soi-disant, tout pour le bien de tous) ,et du profit.
Quel scandale !!
Quel horreur!!
Dans quel but réellement ? J'aimerai vraiment le savoir.

nathalie barbault (Bais, 2021-11-12)


devono essere messi in galera tutte le persone responsabili di crimini contro l'umanità

Massimo Riccitiello (roma, 2021-11-12)


If our voice would hold no power, they would not try to silence us

Filip Pekar (Banska Bystrica, 2021-11-12)


Im signing this because whats happening is a travesty of justice and the greatest crime against humanity since the beginning of time

Toin Adams (Louke, 2021-11-12)


I am in total accordance to this procedure.
People responsible have to face their responsibilities in the consequences of their actions.

Nathalie Lavallée (Thetford Mines, 2021-11-12)


Crimes against humanity must stop!

Karen Brown (Bullhead City, 2021-11-12)


I am signing because I lost my job due to vaccine mandates in Canada

Maria Antal (Oshawa, 2021-11-12)


We have had enough of this monster lying
Not safe jab. The control power grab Monopoly money and persecution…..

Carol Denham (Laguna Hills, 2021-11-12)


I'm signing this petition because the free world will never be free again until everyone who's participated in this unbelievable crime is brought to justice.

Herbert Mueller (Deep River, 2021-11-12)


We have to stop the bio weapon experiments.

Christine Coppeta (Rochester, 2021-11-12)


I’m signing this petition because this shot is against everything that humans have been against since world war 2 when hitler exterminated Jews. We are guaranteed confirmed consent which we have NOT gotten from big pharma ir any other government agency.

Beverly Santos (Visalia, 2021-11-12)


My freedom

Martyna Zamora (Wojkowice, 2021-11-12)


The tyranny and dictatorship the gman are using from the fear of the cv19.

William Shepley (Red deer, 2021-11-12)


The criminals need to be held accountable

Judy Spillner (Eagan, 2021-11-12)


This abuse has to stop!

Kerly Ylrek (Toronto, 2021-11-12)


I am concerned that there is a genocidal agenda being carried out by global governments. I want the court to save the lives of innocent people and children

Linda sleczka (Barrow in Furness, 2021-11-12)


I'm very concerned and feel very strongly that crimes against humanity are

Paul Sleczka (Barrow in Furness, 2021-11-12)


The truth will out.

Richard Cleary (Dublin, 2021-11-12)


I’m signing because I don’t to end up in a Nazi concentration camp like those before us did when they didn’t comply!!!

Jen Frost (Vancouver, 2021-11-12)


all this to kill off the people of earth

james noel (carlton texas, 2021-11-12)


I don’t agree with and have been seriously affected by what the Govt are going to us especially here in Victoria

Desiree Johnson (Melbourne , 2021-11-12)


COVID just about killed my family.

Gigi Freitas (Hayward, 2021-11-12)


I’m signing because they are forcing people in taking a harmful vaccine. Our choices have been limited to take a harmful vaccine so you can feed your family or lose everything you have worked hard for ( job,house,our Privileges,our rights) I’m also signing to stop discriminatory behaviour between the vaccinated and non-vaccinated people. We need to stop fighting amongst ourselves and make a stand against the people who have created this mess

Shawn Bernier (Vanderhoof , 2021-11-13)


It has never ever been in my 37 year career as a nurse, a sackable offence to refuse to take part in a clinical trial. It is also against my code of conduct, to administer any treatment that I can not fully explain the pro's and con's of and discuss any reported side effects. My ethical, moral and professional duty is to act as an advocate for the patient. The behaviour of media hysteria, medical coercion and blatantly misleading the general public, that do not reflect hard evidence, has destroyed a trust in the medical profession that the NHS will never recover from.

Janet Bugg (Pontypool, 2021-11-13)


Its is time to remove the predator class from planet earth. We do not consent to their new world order and we certainly do not consent to them being on the same plane of existence with us anymore. No to their vaccines, GREAT RESET and other psychopathic wet are NOT on my timeline

Margaret Baines (Bucketty, 2021-11-13)


I don’t take vaccines. Especially from a corrupt government.

Stephen Stephenson (Dallas, 2021-11-13)


I fully agree and support the content of this Petition

Janka Vostiarova (Kailash Village, 2021-11-13)


I’m signing this because I am a physician who pledged to do what is best for patients and what I see happening is appalling and absolutely wrong

E LeBaron (Manassas, 2021-11-13)


Crimes against humanity must stop now

Lori Glass (Yerington, 2021-11-13)



Diego Gallego (Villavicencio, 2021-11-13)


I do it for the freedom.
Monarchy is far less dangerous than Republic, because in the Name of the national will, a few people are slaving the others

Florence Verheyen (Thauron, 2021-11-13)


I have a group on Facebook called petition to fire Fauci and I have known that he is a criminal for a long time. I want to see Justice for the American people.

Mark Heaton (Galva, 2021-11-13)


Forcing people over tthe world to be injected with a product with so many dangerous and sometimes deadly effects in a crime aginst humanity.

Christiane Colonna d'Istria (Saint Genies Bellevue, 2021-11-13)


I want freedom and honesty

Michelle-Lynne Jacobs (Johannesburg, 2021-11-13)


Sa stotoznujem so znenim peticie

Dana Haviarova (Povazska Bystrica, 2021-11-13)


These people need to be held accountable

Andrew Robinson (Warburton, 2021-11-13)


Crimes have been committed on a global scale. As a conscious mother I rise for my children and all children !

Maha Al Musa (Gold Coast , 2021-11-13)


These crimes agaist humanity have to stop as soon as possible! As a 61 year old lawyer and naturopath who always wanted a better world I
'm totally shocked about the recent revelations.

Margret Verspagen (Weert, 2021-11-13)


I can not believe the govt have been bought & infiltrated by the satanic elites who want NWO & communism for the whole of humanity who survive their plan of depopulation!
I stand in my sovereignty & the rights for humanity, to be free, prosperous, happy and at peace throughout this planet earth. I pray these evil elites who have enslaved the people & destroyed the earth for centuries for their own selfish greedy agenda be taken down & dealt with accordingly! I pray for GESARA!! 🙏🙄💜

Marie Palmer (Rockingham, 2021-11-13)


I have an understanding of the Significant gravity of the situation and am grateful to these fellow human beings who are better versed and articulate in the understanding, science and minutiae of the crimes that are being committed against all humans in the broad light of day. Crimes affecting the just born, those that are close to meeting their maker or their next great adventure that lays beyond death, and all of us in between.
I pray that all those involved in this process have their innate moral compass set appropriately to act in a way that truly represent the constituents they are there to protect, Humanity as a collective.
At such a time we often look to the metaphysical despite our articulated beliefs and so God help us all!!

Patrick McPhie (Oakleight east, 2021-11-13)


I am concerned by the tactics being used to remove freedom of choice, speech and movement under the guise of this being for the benefit of the worldwide population.

Angela Pasta (London, 2021-11-13)


The virus, the mandates and the vaccines violate our basic human rights, and the leaders, the media and the authorities need to held responsible.

Gabe Castaneda (Perth, 2021-11-13)


Stop medical tyranny and genocide

Theresa Mcgowan (Lismore, 2021-11-13)


We are witnessing the loss of our rights as soveriegn beings.

Carol Edwards (Chirk,wrexham, 2021-11-13)


Because I want everyone to know the TRUTH.

Lansing Smith (Pensacola, 2021-11-13)


These criminals need to be brought to Justice.

Carl Stevenson (Havre de Grace, 2021-11-13)


I want to know what they injected me with.

Robert Rose Jr. (Fillmore, 2021-11-13)

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