Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



This travesty is beyond evil and absolutely has to end with those responsible brought to justice.

Candyce Reynolds (COLUMBUS, 2021-12-01)


I am signing this because no human being has the authority over another to force an experimental injection into a worldwide population. The coercion, fear, force, mandates are all unlawful and people are dying and suffering long-term disabilities because of this experiment which only Big Pharma and those politicians in positions of power are accruing significant financial gain but are also exempt from this covid vaccination themselves . Big pharma have made the world their guinea pigs for way too long and it has to stop immediately.

Caroline Everett (Melbourne, 2021-12-01)


Jsem absolutně proti povinnému očkování

Pavlína Falkiewiczova (Mladá Boleslav, 2021-12-01)


Vakciny su smrtelne a zabijaju ludi...genocida europy

Adrian Hromek (Smrdaky, 2021-12-01)


The Australian government is committing crimes against humanity.

Simon Gray (Lismore, 2021-12-01)


I am totally against this forced worldwide vaccination program.
Criminals are blackmailing people into getting it. Poison, in my opinion.

Hilton Plant (Goomeri, 2021-12-01)


It is clear to me that we are under a mass biological terrorism attack and that doctors, scientists, researchers of great repute are being censored so that they can't warn the population of the dangers of these so called "vaccines." My signature is an official protest. This "pandemic", along with the impending nuclear war that is being prodded along by the United States and its "Collective West" allies needs interruption. One way to get a toe hold onto a new and better path is to investigate and prosecute all individuals for these crimes against humanity.

C.Mamo Kim (Eureka, 2021-12-01)


I agree.

Radka Kristková (Frýdlant , 2021-12-01)


This needs to happen.
Hold all the Traitors accountable just like they did after the second world war

Brian Zimmerman (New plymouth, 2021-12-01)


I'm sick off the Draconian laws .The government work for the people .

GILLIAN Gillian Wheatcroft (BLAENAU FFESTINIOG, 2021-12-01)


Please, stop it.

Jan Škach (Praha 5, 2021-12-01)


I feel so strongly that my human rights are being ignored , I feel distressed and alarmed , feel threatened and humiliated to take part in a trial that kills people ,

Andrew watson (Lancashire, 2021-12-01)


Im signing because the whole covid agenda is a crime against humanity and it needs to be stopped.

Marcela Strnadová (Rapotín , 2021-12-01)


What they are doing is genocide.

Pieter Oppel (Centurion, 2021-12-01)


Those who would give up essential LIBERTY, to purchase a little temporary SAFETY, deserve neither LIBERTY nor SAFETY.

David Prachař (Bojkovice , 2021-12-01)


Podepisuji, protože jsem proti povinnému očkování,nevěřím,že vakcína funguje,chci svobodnou zemi,ne teror a fašismus!!!

Libuše Tóthová (Kuřim, 2021-12-01)



Ľubica Dubovická (NOVÁ DUBNICA, 2021-12-01)


Chci, aby se zastavilo to veřejné vraždění lidi experimentálními vakcína mi.

Šárka Hrdlickova (Praha, 2021-12-01)


Jsem lékař , ne vrah

Milan Vesely (Praha, 2021-12-01)


A serious investigation needs to take place for the deaths, midazolam and adverse reactuons for vaccinations they are trying to mandate in direct violation if the nuremburg code.

Lisa Elle Tori (Manchester, 2021-12-01)


Buongiorno, in Italia c'è una propaganda continua e discriminazione contro chi non è vaccinato. Ci stanno isolando e maltrattando sempre di più. Non siamo quasi più liberi di fare niente,neanche facendo il tampone.

Tatiana Puleo (Imperia, 2021-12-01)


Freedom of choice and the right to free speech is quickly being taken from us..
The continuation of this tyranny will only serve the perpetrators and humanity, as it should be, will cease to exist..

Peter German (Chiang Mai , 2021-12-01)


Plne súhlasím

Ján Kozic (Trenčín, 2021-12-01)


I am fed up with the way Victorians and Australians Nationawide have Been treated by our corrupt governments.

Matthew Lim (Melbourne, 2021-12-01)


I love my fellow human beings and want these criminals broight to Justice who thought it was OK to commit Democide/Genocide in the guise of a Plandemic.

Shizeekwa Satori (Port Macquarie, NSW, 2021-12-01)


Treason must be punished

David Jenkins (Melbourne, 2021-12-01)


I will not vaccination!!!

Jana Luknišová (Zlaté Moravce, 2021-12-01)


Crimes against humanity

Julie Moon (Coffs harbour, 2021-12-01)


Let freedom ring

David Mutty (Deland, 2021-12-01)


because I'm Slovak

Marek Havrisak (Kosice, 2021-12-01)


I want to have freedom in all aspects of my life. Leona

Leona Komoňová (Moravská Třebová, 2021-12-01)


This is essential action to be taken as soon as possible to save humanity from complete annihilation ...including the self destruction of all the perpetrators who are so deluded they think they would survive their own actions .

Sherry Webster (Nambour, 2021-12-01)


I agree that there are crimes and atrocities against humanity. That I want it the COVID-19 vaxes to stop. They are a crime against humanity. Someone has to stop the genocide.

Julie Prescott (Cairns, 2021-12-01)


I want to have true informazione.

Federico Bientinesi (Firenze, 2021-12-01)


I want to stop this crime against humanity.

petra choikova (Ostrava, 2021-12-01)


I am concerned about the consequences of the mRNA jabs

Gulam Hussain (Pretoria, 2021-12-01)


I am signing because I am hurt by the evil being perpetrated on humanity.

Okey Ifendu (Aba, 2021-12-01)


Nesúhlasím s popieraním základných ľudských práv a slobôd

Rastislav Minárik (Beckov, 2021-12-01)


I believe international leaders and health ministers are recklessly coercing citizens into taking an experimental gene therapy that should have been tested in clinical trials for years before being offered to the public. To me, this qualifies as reckless endangerment.

Dee Fletcher (Digby, 2021-12-01)


I am a practice medicine doctor for children and these vaccine is not ready for IBM!

Karen Pumrova (Drevcice, 2021-12-01)


Nesouhlasím s těmito zločiny proti lidskosti, páchané na občanoch celého světa

Blanka Plešová (Myjava, 2021-12-01)


Where is freedom of choice??? And other human rights?!

Martin Svoboda (Sokolov, 2021-12-01)


nesouhlasím s nátlakem, každý musí mít možnost se svobodně rozhodnout

Květuše Dohnalová (Raškovice, 2021-12-01)


Because people I love have either chosen in good faith or been forced upon threat of losing their job to accept the vaccines. If it turns out that they have been harmed by the government mandates, then that becomes an act of treason - and war - against the U.S. population, and everyone responsible is a domestic enemy and should be dealt with accordingly. ...Having said that, the appropriate response should be a straight and immediate road to the deepest part of Hell - and I'd be happy to arrange the trip. God damn them.

Hale Hilsabeck (Lakewood, 2021-12-01)


I am sick and tired of all of this corruption going on in our government!!! That corruption is totally unacceptable!!! We the people are not going to stand by and allow this to happen!!! LET'S GO BRANDON!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

James Byram (Ft Wayne, 2021-12-01)

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