Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Podpisujem preto, že si neželam, aby prichádzalo k obmedzovaniu ľudských práv, ktoré garantuje všeobecná deklarácia ľudských práv OSN 1948.
Zároveň si myslím, že Slovenská republika a jej obyvatelia trpia pod aktuálnou vládou SR, ktorá nezvláda riešiť problémy bežných občanov.
Neodbornost a morálny charakter niektorých politikov je v rozpore s európskymi hodnotami.
Tento informačný tlak, ktorého sa dopúšťajú denno denne v médiách zanecháva na spoločnosti následky, či už fyzické, alebo psychické.

Juraj Matejovic (Modra, 2021-12-03)


This "vaccine" has dark origins and intentions.

Karin Copley (Ponchatoula, 2021-12-03)


Souhlasím se stíháním

Radek Zachoval (Děčín 2, 2021-12-03)


stop the genocide

Ewa Gajos (Rzeszow, 2021-12-03)


To save humanity

Koreen Stanley (Cambridge, 2021-12-03)


Ich unterschreibe diese Petition, weil dieses Verbrechen endlich gestoppt werden muss. Die Menschen sterben an diesen Maßnahmen und an der Impfung. Ich werde diskriminiert, komme fast nirgendwo mehr rein. Ein Arzt hat uns aus seiner Praxis rausgeschmissen und die Notfallbehandlung abgelehnt. Wir mussten uns einen neuen Hausarzt suchen, der uns so akzeptiert, wie wir sind, aber wir müssen sehr weit zu ihm fahren.

Angela Danielovits (Zossen, 2021-12-03)


This is so wrong on so many levels and breaches human rights and constitutions all over the world and must be stopped immediately

Kristen Sharpe (Nelson, 2021-12-03)


Once again, it is clear that we find ourselves in a situation where history is repeating itself!

Julie Watkins (Manchester, 2021-12-03)


If this duty is ignored it will lead to planetary civil war. Too much truth has been exposed to deceive humanity any further.

Michiel Nel (Pretoria, 2021-12-03)


I am signing this petition as never in the history of the world have the healthy people been quarantined and locked down, businesses closed, children not allowed to go to school and essential surgeries and medical tests cancelled. Where are we not practicing "First, do no harm" in medicine? Why is so much harm been perpetrated on men, women and children? Why is a biologic injection being forced on people to retain their way of life? Why have we not learned from history from WWII? The Jewish people were the unfortunate ones then, now it is the unvaccinated that are the targets. Millions of people will be injured and die from this experimental injection that does not have any long term safety or toxicology studies, nor a complete disclosure and transparency of their ingredients. If each individual drug company will be profitting almost 1 billion dollars in the next few years, they should be held completely financially liable for their products just like a car manufacturer is.

Angie Domenegato (Niagara Falls, 2021-12-03)


It's time to stop this criminal action of the new world order, GloboCap(C.J. Hopkins) or name it as you want. It has nothing to do with health but with total control. It already produced much too much victims and now it's pushing to poison our kids. Enough!

Daniel-Iulian Răsteanu (Târgu-Mureș, 2021-12-03)


I’m signing because this is just wrong. She has no authority or jurisdiction over the people. There is no evidential proof

Kate Baker (Palmerston North, 2021-12-04)


I’m signing because I do not consent to mandatory vaccination and discrimination for those who are pro choice. I believe the experimental vaccine is dangerous and is causing more harm than COVID itself.

Dianne Faurschou (Brisbane , 2021-12-04)


Nesúhlasím s vládními nariadeniami....

Tomáš Štulrajter (Čierny Balog, 2021-12-04)


I fully support this request.

Maria Creager (Brisbane, 2021-12-04)


I want those murderers punished and the depopulation agenda stopped.

Eric Clarke (Yacka SA, 2021-12-04)


Im signing cause Satan must die

Vlasta Bracco (Praha, 2021-12-04)


Because people with wealth and or power must be held accountable

Barry Palmer (Hampton, 2021-12-04)


I’m a freedom fighter !!!

Beata Vincent (Mississauga, 2021-12-04)


I'm signing becouse i am a human being, not a slave.

Ondřej Lédl (582 63, Ždírec nad Doubravou, 2021-12-04)


We have been living in a global fascist dictatorship since 11 March 2020, on this date the so called 'pandemic' was declared alongside the imposition of global lockdowns. The rule of law must be restored in the name of humanity.

Mohamed Adda (Amsterdam, 2021-12-04)


I stand with Dr Fleming and support his efforts and the work he is doing to protect all of the human population in his fight against the crimes against humanity.

Alicea Purcell (New York, 2021-12-04)


for freedom...

Mitja Ficko (Gornja Radgona, 2021-12-04)


I want peace, love and freedom.

Jana Kerčmar Džuban (Murska Sobota, 2021-12-04)


Bacause of crimes against humanity.

Tomi Šoštarič (Radenci, 2021-12-04)


Chrime against Humanity ‼️

Martinčič Marja (Tržič, 2021-12-04)


The wrong that is being done

Marcus Ramos (Henderson , 2021-12-04)


A very serious injustice has been occurring with regard to forced COVID-19 vaccinations. The Nuremburg Code should be upheld and violators prosecuted to the fullest extent possible to avoid such catastrophes in the future.

Richard Darden (Venice, 2021-12-04)


Atrocities have been committed flagrantly under a false guise of a pandemic which has a death rate of seasonal flu

Gerard Ockerse (Auckland, 2021-12-04)


No one crime against humanity cant be silenced.

Ivo Gec (Vesin, 2021-12-04)





I'm signing because we must stand up to totalitarianism. We have every right to be free and make our own choices for our bodies, our lives and our souls. Every criminal involved in this plot to murder humanity must be brought to trial and face the consequences that they have planned for us.

Linda Knorowski (Hollister, 2021-12-04)


With accountability we bring peace

Soraya Der (London, 2021-12-04)


PODEPISUJI, protože s covid šikanou a trestnými činy nesouhlasím.

Eva Hola (PRAHA, 2021-12-04)


It is everything criminal what they are doing...

Bernadet Dravec (Lendava, 2021-12-04)


I believe there is a crime against humanity in effect. How can this continue with all the evidence we already have regarding adverse reactions.

Christian Robinson (Grande Prairie, 2021-12-04)

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