Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Diese Welt Diktatur muss gleich verschwinden!!!

Renata Cerna (4030 Linz, 2021-12-09)


I am part of the placibo group. Enough is enough.

Dale Pearce (Cape Town , 2021-12-09)


Crimes Against Humanity

David May (munich, 2021-12-09)


My Nation New Zealand & the world are being lied to. Rights are being removed. Governments railroading unwanted bills pretending to be looking after our health when it is fake. There is no Pandemic. I choose my our treatment and do my own research. Media propaganda brainwashing the public. No public information choice. It is wrong. Doctors & Scientists being blocked to giving healthy treatment. FDA approving single treatments for all. WITHOUT evidence of safety. Adverse reactions being ignored. Deaths not from virus but VACCINATION. I do not want my grandchildren enslaved by this malicious treatment. We are individuals with healthy minds able to make independent decisions for our families. Able to know right from wrong. THIS IS WRONG.

Lynn Sanders (Cave, Timaru, 2021-12-09)


These are crimes against humanity and there needs to be a stop put to it in these criminals put in jail.

Diane Cougar (Langley BC, 2021-12-09)


There is overwhelming evidence of conspiracy to harm the population of the planet both overtly and by omission by an almost innumerable number of parties involved with the development and delivery of infectious agents to the populations.

Fred Jagenberg (Howell, 2021-12-09)


The lies must end.

Dave Landry (Owen Sound, 2021-12-09)


I am concerned about the crime currently perpetrated against humanity. There have been a lack of care for health safety, as well as lot of greed from global pharmaceutical corporations lobbying for their experimental substance. The world leaders are making decisions influenced by these lobbies and they put individuals at risks while taking their freedom away.

Sophie Misson (Paris, 2021-12-09)


We need to stop this, together!

Lukas Hrdina (Nové Město na Moravě, 2021-12-09)


I am signing because a agree 100% with dr Flemming. As we say in French : who's gonna clean the blood of the innocents?

Nadia Akkari (Sierre, 2021-12-09)


I totally agree and support this, please win against those monsters. They deserve what they'll get!!!
Let's protect children's future!!

Yoko O'Kane (Dudley, 2021-12-09)


I want to know more

Pierre GERNIGON (Paimpont, 2021-12-09)


The actions of our world governments over this covid situation is absolutely disgusting, discriminatory, and counter productive to a prosperous and healthy society. Vaccines mandates must end.

Darcy Knol (Olds, alberta, 2021-12-09)


We must stand together.

Robert Sayre (Kingman, 2021-12-09)


human rights are threatened everywhere by misinformed politicians in thrall to major corporations and billionaires.

Tony Thomas (Eatons Hill, 2021-12-09)


I'm signing because our freedoms, our rights, our bodily autonomies, our jobs have all been taken away from us, little by little with utmost tyranny that is unprecedented. I'm signing to end these illegals mandates that are clearly only for money and not public health

Sona Aslanyan (GRANADA HILLS, 2021-12-10)


This mandatory vaccine shit!

Nabil Akfidan (Hengelo , 2021-12-10)


Stop the mass murder of billions

Stephen Sandells (Dongara , 2021-12-10)


I'm signing because we must have legal capacity to give consent; must be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion.

For pete's sake, people and now children are dying after these shots - vaccine injuries abound - Why the hell is this being suppressed. What is REALLY going on here?
CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY and have we lost our minds . . . CONSCIENCE SUPERSEDES THE AUTHORITY OF THE LAW OF ANY STATE. Isn't that was the Nuremberg trials and resulting CODE protected us from?

Lyn Champagne (Hawkesbury, 2021-12-10)


the precise parallel with nazism (and communism) convinced me to sign ...

Peter Adler (Edmonton, 2021-12-10)


I sign because I do nôt agree with violations of human rights and fundamental human freedoms by taking measures by the Government of The Slovakia in relation to the limitation of freedom of movement and vactination ordering by experimental vaccine.

Peter Žiara (Pribovce, 2021-12-10)


The Slovak nation has been falsely promised by goverment advisors and politicians via mainstream media that everyone who gets fully vaccinated


However, we see that tens to hundreds of citizens who trusted those statements and relied on their vaccination-gained immunity got later seriously sick and died of COVID-19 or adverse complications afterwards despite their full vaccination status as a result of this misinformation and propaganda from our own goverment and media. Citizens have been lead to overestimate their vaccine-induced immunity, they were later not necessarily avoiding infected persons, which caused them to die as a direct result of the false propaganda of the goverment of Slovak Republic. Just because they trusted the vaccines.
Let this be my legacy in the name of my beloved aunt Mrs. Tatiana Belická, who has died exactly this way and may have been still here with us if she had not been deceived by our politicians, goverment advisors and mainstream media. Rest in peace. We miss you so much.

Stanislav Ondrejčík (Galanta, 2021-12-10)


Most people do not realise that this is a fight for the future of humanity, it is a war against global corporations taking control of humanity for their own selfish power and profit.
It is clearly not about health, that is just the psychological fear agenda they are using to control you.
All people who see the truth must stand up and fight this medical tyranny.

"For evil to succeed the good must simply do nothing."

Geoffrey Haselhurst (Perth, 2021-12-10)


Action needs to be taken

Jan Kapusňak (Topoľčany , 2021-12-10)


My Dad died from and my siblings are vax injured. No reports have been made on behalf of my family. In fact, my family is in denial.

Denise Fernandes (Barrie, 2021-12-10)


We cannot stay silent

Katharine Verkooijen (Weymouth, 2021-12-10)


Die umfangreichste weltweiteste Genmanipulation am Menschen unter politischen Zwang der Nachkriegszeit

Steffen Jendrnx (Germersheim, 2021-12-10)


Podpisala som,pretoze nesuhlasim s masovym ockovanim ludi, u ktorych benefity ockovania neprevysuju jeho rizika... je poburujuce,akym sposobom je obmedzena sloboda ludi len na zaklade toho,ze sa odmietli zapojit do tretej fazy klinickeho testovania lieciva

Eva Dolinska (Sered, 2021-12-10)


I respect human rights
I am against Corona business and Corona fanatism

Gabriel Fridrich (Geiselwind, 2021-12-10)


Because there is no ever found a real virus and the vaccinated people had been poisoned

Lenka Lipkova (Reykjavík, 2021-12-10)


Governments across the world are contravening The Nuremberg Code under the guise of registered corporations.

er Henderson (Mandurah, 2021-12-10)


The research was done and proven.

Brandon Clinkscales (San Antonio, 2021-12-10)


I'm signing this petition because I got fired on 11/2/21 for refusing the fake vaccine for Covid-19. I worked for Tiger Institute Cerner Corporation in conjunction with the University of Missouri Health Systems who both required this jab to keep my job.

Elaine Hinton (Columbia, 2021-12-10)


I am a patriot and these crimes are against everything that our constitution stands for. We the people cannot be forced to be lab rats. Enough already. Let us do what is right for humanity and the future of the human race.

Karen Mason (Neptune, 2021-12-10)


covid 19 är ett planerat folkmord och dom ansvariga måste ställas till svars.
och dömmas till livstids fängelse
till döden befriar dom

Greger Larsson (stockholm, 2021-12-10)


Time is yet to come

fabien manuel (orleans, 2021-12-10)


My body, my choice!

Zdravko Mladenov (Sankt Pölten , 2021-12-10)


I am signing because none of the government policies across the world make sense. We are being misdirected daily on purpose and people's fear is being abused for power. This needs to come to an end and people, corporations and governments brought to justice for the immense mental pain, stress, suffering and death they have created.
FREEDOM is the foundation of Western societies, democracies and culture. We need to defend freedom against technocratic government.

Lachezar Karagyaurov (Limassol, 2021-12-10)


This covid lie must stop ASAP!

patrick gervais (vancouver, 2021-12-10)


It is time to end this hoax.
We, the citizens of the world, have had enough of this tyrannical agenda.
People are being murdered by these "vaccines".

Samantha Erasmus (Germiston, 2021-12-10)


The Nuremberg code was written and then signed by countries that also experienced the Spanish flu a little over 25 years before, there is no caveat for a pandemic in this code.

Andrew Barlow (Sheffield, 2021-12-10)


Good will always prevail god willing

Ricky Burcham (London, 2021-12-10)


Perpetrators should be severely punished for what they did to humanity.

Irene Julies (Gansbaai, 2021-12-10)


Podpisujem, lebo mi záleží na zdraví mojej rodiny a tiež na zdraví ostatných občanov SR.
Myslím si, že ani dôchodcov by nemali násilím očkovať proti ich vlastnej vôli. Každý človek by sa mal rozhodnúť sám za seba, ak ide o jeho zdravie. Má na to plné právo. Deti by mali vyrastať v slobodnej spoločnosti, kde by mali naplno rozvíjať svoje schopnosti bez toho, aby sa obávali o svoje životy a životy svojích blízkych. Podpisujem aj za ľudí, ktorí podstúpili toto experimentálne očkovanie z môjho blizkeho okolia. V slepej viere, že ich to ochráni bojujú teraz s ťažkým postihnutím o svoj každodenný život. Verím, že rozhodnete správne podľa svojho vedomia a svedomia a zachránite tak mnoho ľudských životov pred šialeným experimentom.

Katarína Horváthová (Humenné, 2021-12-10)


We deserve freedom

Sarah Lawlor (Barrie, 2021-12-10)


This needs investigation!
Please wake up

Marcel Dhaan (Wiesbaden, 2021-12-10)


Podpisujem, pretože v jednote je sila!

Radoslav Horváth (Humenné, 2021-12-10)


I believe in democracy and freedom.

JANET ADAMS (Houston, 2021-12-10)


People must be held accountable for putting profits and power over human lives.

Diane Spindler (Rutland, 2021-12-10)


People are being killed unnecessarily for population control to usher in a new world government. If it starts with genocide, it is evil. Everyone will be held accountable. We The People will not Tolerate this evilness from anyone.

Amy Deane (Fernandina Beach , 2021-12-10)


I care about what is happening in the U.S. and maintaining our rights

Natalie Turney (Des Moines, 2021-12-11)


Those responsible for these crimes should be geld to account.

Geoffrey Churchman (WAIKANAE, 2021-12-11)

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