No Kitesurfing in more than 6-7bft is BULLSHIT

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition No Kitesurfing in more than 6-7bft is BULLSHIT.

rogier staal

#51 kitesurfing

2011-02-04 12:03

Waar bemoeit de overheid zich nou weer mee?
Rene Bos - The KiteSmurf

#52 Kitesurfing over 6 Bf

2011-02-04 15:25

Kitesurfing over 6 Bf can be perfectly safe. Self-regulation by kite-surfers is the best way to promote the sport while ensuring safety.

Armand Horemans

#53 kiten

2011-02-04 16:17

This law sucks !!!! why?????
Darko Zezlina

#54 Freedom of movement

2011-02-04 16:33

Sadly this is not only case of such restrictions there are similar or even worse laws in other countries.
One of basic human rights is freedom of movement. As long as you use only your own power or wind power to move, there should be no restriction. Walking, skiing, snowboarding, windsurfing, kiting, cycling, running and similar ways of movement should always be free.

To abuse safety issues to restrict freedom of movement is step toward Talibanisation of Europe.

If our society will go this way we will all end up in Matrix.
gediminas prusakovas

#55 bullshit

2011-02-04 18:25

this is so stupid because this is the best wind to kitesurf 25 mph
Olek Czapla


2011-02-04 18:54

Not Posible
hendrik Van de Perre

#57 No Kitesurfing in more than 6-7bft is BULLSHIT

2011-02-04 19:16

goe gedaan ze , bende pennenlikkers met een iq van 1 die deze beslissing hebben genomen.
Michal Kuna

#58 BABYLON FALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2011-02-04 19:33

Cesar De Neef


2011-02-04 20:09

Belgische zever
Antoine Fafard


2011-02-05 00:24

Luc De Haes

#61 fantastisch belgisch

2011-02-05 12:12

Typisch belgisch: beleidsmensen die zich bemoeien met zaken waar ze geen verstand van hebben, kiteclubs die deze beleidsmensen adviseren en zoals aasgieren extra inkomsten ruiken... of vergis ik me als ik stel dat je voor het bekomen van een brevet gaat moeten betalen?
jerome cloetens

#62 this is grazy !!!!!

2011-02-05 13:05

i live in tarifa and im 13 years old but im from belguim and i kite from my 9 and i always kite on 6 or 7 bft .this is bulshit !!!!! they have no idea what they doing . I hope that we can make it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Paddy S


2011-02-05 18:57

Everybodies own risk!
john doe


2011-02-05 19:06

some people have unfortunately died, but in many cases on land and due to their own carelessness. and if we leave them aside, there are always few careless idiots (usually beginners who think that skills were included with the old and safety-less c-kite they bought used for 100 euros, or a brand new latest len10 toy) who can scare the shit out of families and spoil the image of the sport and journalists and public opinion (not knowing a thing about this sport) do the rest.
too bad if they will really implement it, for me belgian seaside starts to get really interesting only after 25kn as waves are mostly windgenerated... zeebrugge and heist bye-bye, long drives to france and nl seem more rule than exemption now.
Antoine Van Daele

#65 kitesurfen is een passie, laat mensen voelen dat ze echt leven

2011-02-05 23:18

na een weekje vol stres hebben heel veel mensen behoefte aan ontsressen op t water, echte kiters kennen hun materiaal en weten wat ze doen, kiten is gevaarlijk maar alle dagen in je wagen stappen ook, gaan ze dan iedereen van de weg halen als het te veel sneeuwt of ijzelt of waait, neen hee, t komt altijd op t zelfde neer, ALL FOR THE MONEY, dan mag het. Er moeten regels zijn daar er altijd stomme mensen zijn die niet naar de raad van ervaren mensen willen luisteren en de gevolgen zijn dezastreus maar waarom moeten diegene die jaren ervaring hebben opgebouwd in hun passie beknot worden door de politiek die er de ballen van af weet,laat de mensen er over beslissen die wekelijks op zee zitten en echt weten wat de gevaren zijn van kitesurfen, HAAL ALLE BEGINNERS MET DIE VLIEGERS VAN HET STRAND MET VLAGGERIGE SIDESHORT OF AFLANDIGE WIND BOVEN 5 BEAUFORT EN JE ZAL AL VEEL MISSERIE UITSLUITEN EN BEGINNERS INDERDAAD VERPLICHT NAAR SCHOOL.
Johanna Dory


2011-02-06 21:29

Kitesurfing in winds over 6 bft is indeed dangerous, for unexperienced kitesurfers.
For experienced kitesurfers this is good wind, experienced kitesurfers should have the right to kitesurf in strong winds.
Bruno Piper


2011-02-07 16:05

I dont agree with this sanction.
Gil João


2011-02-07 23:22

6bft is nothing!Let people be free...


2011-02-09 02:40

The fun starts at 6+bft, and it's a sport with risks that must be accepted. If someone gets killed, it's their own fault. I know that, and i accepted that. It's not like there are kitesurfers out there, there won't happen anything to them.

Those rules are killing the sport in Belgium, and someone from the sport, like a club or a representative should set up the rules in co-operation with the government, and not some middle-aged chick which set up the rules, after just knowing the existence of the sport by 2 days.

Anyway, i welcome all the belgian kitesurfers to holland when it's 6+ out there. The coffee is ready.

Mark James Mullen

#70 6/7bft ban

2011-02-10 13:05

Get some better informed statts on Kite accidents, or better still try changing somethink that will make a real differance to the sorry state of this world, instead of trying to justify your incompitant role the this world.
simon lewis


2011-02-19 14:00

cops with wind meters, crazy

#72 Belgium

2011-02-27 14:54

It is true, this again is a law invented by some politician in need of publicity (good or bad) and -as usual- not knowing what he is talking about. But I wouldn't worry too much; the way the Belgian politicians are doing their job for the moment there will soon be no "Belgium" anymore, and then you will be kiting at the Flemish or Dutch coast in stead of the Belgian Coast.
adrian grünau

#73 focus on real problems, dont make some new!!!

2011-03-01 18:58

if this rules will be i wont come to belgium! why i should come to there if i could not ride like i like to?!!!



2011-06-06 19:20

6bf is the best wind to kitesurf! If there should be a limit it should be at least 8bf and not 6bf. Police your beaches properly and then it will be safe to kite in almost any wind. Germans didnt ban the Autubahn, they just police it correctly!



2011-06-08 12:30

Wind is our life. Do not kill us!