Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita.
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#47032011-12-19 20:07We had good respect on Russia, but this idiotic decision created bad impression on that country... |
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#47042011-12-19 20:09Why are Russian politicians starting this hate war against Hindus, haven't they got enough problems with Muslims in Chechnya ? |
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#47052011-12-19 20:10Процесс глобализации стремится уничтожить как можно больше самобытных и уникальных культур. Демоническая культура глобализма делает из людей универсальных потребителей, безличное стадо эпохи электронного рабства. |
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#4707 ответ на #46612011-12-19 20:12Уважаемый, ни в одном комментарии Бхактиведанта Свами не сказал ничего от себя, все его комментарии основаны на комментариях цепи духовных учителей, которые являются признанными святыми в Индии. Бхактиведанта Свами Прабхупада излагает точку зрения этих святых местами пересказывая, местами даже просто цитируя отрывки из комментариев написанных задолго до него. Таким образом объявляя его комментарии экстремистскими, томская прокуратура обвиняет в экстремизме всю цепь духовных учителей одной из самых значительных ветвей Индуизма - гаудия-вайшнавов. А это уже оскорбление всей культуры и истории Индии. |
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#47092011-12-19 20:16This seems to be quite unfortunate in this age of naked hypocrisy that ISKCON the only movement spreading pure love for God and thereby bringing smiles in the midst of overwhelming sorrow by means of establishing the universal fatherhood amongst the countries through the Supreme Lord's teachings BHAGAVAD GITA- AS IT IS. Why it's facing Russian Govt expected upcoming dis-approval. |
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#47112011-12-19 20:17Who are we to uphold or bann Gita ? it is not mere a book you know .. it is knowledge. it will prevail on matter what. have faith in God. |
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#47132011-12-19 20:22The Russians should ban Communist propaganda like Das Kapital instead. Communism has destroyed Russian culture and religion. |
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#47142011-12-19 20:24A request to all my brothers &sisters who are living in Russia.We are the human beings.......Please don't support to (follow)blind-Agitation(who don't understand value of the Valuables).if you follow them...you can't reach destination with them.....BAGAVAT-GITA means Supreme Knowledge.Taste Bagavat-GITA....it makes your life complete................ |
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#47162011-12-19 20:30Banning a rich scripture only showcases your ignorance! So pls don't try to bring disgrace to your office by banning the great work! |
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#47172011-12-19 20:30If the Bhagavad Gita is treated as Terrorist literature then how much more so can the Holy Bible, Koran and many more Theological literatures be presented as so. It is all a matter presentation ! This is obviously the politics of a very competitive insider. |
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#47182011-12-19 20:31Bhagwad Geeta is moral science and guide for upliftment of human being. To call it as terrorist literature is stigma on intelligence of human being. |
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#47192011-12-19 20:31Bhagavad-gita should not be banned.please try to read and understand the content then only we can understand the importance of the book.this book is not for some specific religion.we should respect others faiths and beliefs. |
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#47202011-12-19 20:31Hare Krishna!!!Bhagavad-gita is one of the most popular Holy book. Please Respect it(Не судите, да не судимы будете!). |
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#47232011-12-19 20:36Это единственное писание в моей жизни, которое дает разумные ответы на жизненноважные вопросы и комментарии к ним изложены предельно ясно, и помогают понять суть самого писания: полюби Бога! Осудить это писание может личность, которая не поняла его или вероятнее всего ненавидит Бога и других живых существ. |
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#47242011-12-19 20:36This seems to be quite unfortunate in this age of naked hypocrisy that ISKCON the only movement spreading pure love for God and thereby bringing smiles in the midst of overwhelming sorrow by means of establishing the universal fatherhood amongst the countries through the Supreme Lord's teachings BHAGAVAD GITA- AS IT IS. Why it's facing Russian Govt expected upcoming dis-approval. |
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