Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita.
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#58512011-12-21 00:30There is not even a single word "Hindu" in BhagavatGita. BhagavatGita is a message from all mighty God for every body irrespective to any race-religion. |
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#58522011-12-21 00:47teachings of bhagavad gita...brings peace in life..it not teach us violence in any way..!! |
Ananta Shesha |
#58542011-12-21 01:05Эммануил Кант, автор «Критики Чистого Разума», восторженно называл «Бхагавад-Гиту» выдающимся творением философской мысли, изложенной человеческим языком на бумаге. Immanuel Kant, the author of "Criticism of Pure Reason», enthusiastically named "Bhagavad-Gita" outstanding creation of the philosophical thought committed by human language to paper. А многочисленные нападки на индийские религии, философию и ведическую культуру в целом за последние 40 лет постоянно организовываются христианскими религиями и сектами. Главный зачинщик таких нападок в России - это РПЦ! All numerous attacks to the Indian religions, philosophy and Vedic culture as a whole for last 40 years are constantly organised by Christian religions and sects. The main instigator of such attacks in Russia is the Orthodox Church! Unfortunately... |
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#58552011-12-21 01:19Absolutely reckless and irresponsible, indicative of dis-inclination to know what is the truth... |
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#58562011-12-21 01:20Please stop the ban on our Holy Sacred book Bhagavad-gita. This action will create hatred for Russians for your country among Hindus all over the world. |
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#58572011-12-21 01:22Stop the ban of Bhagavad-gita and respect the feelings of billions of Hindus all over the world. |
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#58582011-12-21 01:30I am KRSNA and I agree a case to ban the Bhagavad Gita is ridiculous. |
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#58592011-12-21 01:32Сказки разрешены, священные писания тоже. В чем проблема с Бхагават-Гитой? В общем, крайне провальная идея ее запретить. Так что, пожалуйста, уж оставьте древнеиндийский эпос в покое. Спасибо. |
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#58602011-12-21 01:33Все что мы можем, так это молиться Господу. Господь в сердце у всех живых существ. На все воля Кришны! |
Guest |
#58612011-12-21 01:35This is really a country being deprived of its human rights!the most beautiful scripture Bhagavad gita as it is!real scripture!how to live a real godly peaceful life in this iron age of quarrel..Now this Russian goverment want to try ban!lets all sign this petition!let them have there human rights!jai AC Bhaktivedanta Srila Prabhupada jai Bhagavad gita as it is |
Guest |
#58632011-12-21 01:51Srimad Bhagavad Gita is a song of life!!! It preaches Dharma and Karma and Must not be banned. |
Beloved of Krishna |
#5864 Bhagavad Gita as it IS.2011-12-21 01:52This is by far my favorite version of the Bhagavad Gita, and I have read it almost daily, and RELISHED it for over 40 years! How ridiculous of you to even consider it in a catagory of Extremeist Literature. The Gita has been around for 5,000 years, and i don't think your stupidity is going to stop it from being around another 5,000...or forever! Please stop this foolish banning of one of the world's greatest translations. Better yet, try reading it! |
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#58652011-12-21 02:00Shame on that person who criticize Bhagavad gita and went to the court. Please Lord Krishna forgive him/her for his/her foolishness. |
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#58662011-12-21 02:23The Russian people are very intelligent. Let them read the entire Bhagavada Gita, then make a decision. |
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#58672011-12-21 02:41Bhagvad Gita contains knowledge applicable to everyone. It has marvels of wisdom that anyone can use irrespective their religious affiliation. |
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#58682011-12-21 02:45The India Govt. must ensure that it should not be banned else it would be a shame for the govt. |
Guest |
#58702011-12-21 03:09EL Srimad Bagavat Gita, es un libro sagrado, lleno de enseñanzas para todos los seres humanos, hace a aquellos que logran leer y poner en practica sus divinas enseñanzas, cambiar su vida de una forma positiva, en beneficio de la sociedad humana asi que nuestro deber para las proximas generaciones es luchar por su libre distribucion, me huno a todos aquellos que desean de todo corazon esto,y que estan horando para que como siempre la luz del conocimiento destruya la oscuridad nacida de la ignorancia. ATT. Paul Mariño Palaka gauranga das |
Neil Guest |
#5871 Please do not take away freedom and freedom of expression - best way of respect to democracy!!2011-12-21 03:11Please do not take away freedom and freedom of expression - best way of respect to democracy!! |
Dominik Remeika Guest |
#58722011-12-21 03:14ban a book like bhagavad gita? the only and most important knowlegde of man? sorry but thats ridiculous, dont you have do to something else of banning books? do no ban bhagavad gita in russia!!!!! |
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Guest |
#58752011-12-21 03:24Como puede ser posible tildar las profundas enseñansas del Bhagavad-Gita como extremistas, la perfecta logica, simplemente tienen envidia.. |
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