Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita
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#59012011-12-21 05:35jai Shri krishna to all............. hey prabhu un logo ko sadbhuddhi do jo bhagwad gita per ban lagan chahte hai........ in nadano ko pata nahi hai ki "hari anant, hari ktha ananta"........ jai shri krishna. jai shri radhe. |
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#59022011-12-21 05:36Across globe, not only Hindus, vast well educated class following Bhagavad-gita. Which is not telling senseless fairy-tales, it is THE life guide. For the sake mankind please stop the court case against the Bhagavad-gita As It Is in Russia. To fellow Bharatwasi's....Why congress is not speaking now......cause it is not against the sentiments of minority.... |
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#59042011-12-21 05:37please donot involed about religios in country if this happen .indian people will tell bible ortherdox books not good .than what happen in the world allour differnt religios living. sopleas this is shame for the russian people. slow this problem with pice. thank you. |
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#59052011-12-21 05:38Bhagavat Gita isn't a religious text book. It delves into the moral principles of life. Its popularity comes from these moral principles. This transcends religious and racial boundaries. |
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#59062011-12-21 05:45The Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement is essential in human society, for it offers the highest perfection of life. How this is so is explained fully in the Bhagavad-gītā. Unfortunately, mundane wranglers have taken advantage of Bhagavad-gītā to push forward their demonic propensities and mislead people regarding right understanding of the simple principles of life. Everyone should know how God or Kṛṣṇa is great, and everyone should know the factual position of the living entities. Everyone should know that a living entity is eternally a servant and that unless one serves Kṛṣṇa one has to serve illusion in different varieties of the three modes of material nature, and thus perpetually one has to wander within the cycle of birth and death; even the so-called liberated Māyāvādī speculator has to undergo this process. This knowledge constitutes a great science, and each and every living being has to hear it for his own interest |
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#5907 SRILA PRAHUPAD KI JAI.........2011-12-21 05:46The Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement is essential in human society, for it offers the highest perfection of life. How this is so is explained fully in the Bhagavad-gītā. Unfortunately, mundane wranglers have taken advantage of Bhagavad-gītā to push forward their demonic propensities and mislead people regarding right understanding of the simple principles of life. Everyone should know how God or Kṛṣṇa is great, and everyone should know the factual position of the living entities. Everyone should know that a living entity is eternally a servant and that unless one serves Kṛṣṇa one has to serve illusion in different varieties of the three modes of material nature, and thus perpetually one has to wander within the cycle of birth and death; even the so-called liberated Māyāvādī speculator has to undergo this process. This knowledge constitutes a great science, and each and every living being has to hear it for his own interest |
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#59082011-12-21 05:50Russia has great relations from the past with india . This is not the right approach & will effect the understanding between the two nation. everyone has right to follow his religion . Protect Russia from extremism . Not a single word in geeta refer to harm anyone . |
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#59092011-12-21 05:57There was a Kirtaniya's movement was carried out in Surat, Gujarat,India to make an attempt to ban bhagvad-gita. Please join this petition to protest against the ban on bhagvad gita at Russia. Please, tell as many people as possible about this petition. The more signatures this petition gets, the more attention it will get from the media and the decision-makers. Best regards, |
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#59122011-12-21 06:08The Bhagvad Gita is the not the book of Hindus only. It is the Holy Book of Humanity as a whole. |
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#59132011-12-21 06:13Для тех, кто решился судить Бхагавад Гиту, моральных принципов не существует. Никаких этических законов они не придерживаются и ни Конституции Российской Федерации, ни Международной Конвенции по правам человека знать не хотят. А ведь ещё Владимир Ильич Ленин отделил церковь от государства. С той поры многое изменилось. В последние годы даже начали воплощать в жизнь лозунги *Власть - Советам* и *Земля - крестьянам.* Уважаемые товарищи, дорогие друзья! Когда же наконец мы начнём думать о воплощении в жизнь лозунга *Мир - народам!* -? Когда с лёгкой руки Томской прокуратуры Пандавы перебьют Кауравов на Кшетра - бранном поле Российской земли? Бхагавад Гита - Книга о МИРОТВОРЧЕСТВЕ. БОГ - ЭТО МИР. БОГ - ЭТО ЛЮБОВЬ. БОГ - ЭТО ИСТИНА. БОГ - ЭТО НЕНАСИЛИЕ. БОГ - ЭТО ДОЛГ. Именно об этом Бхагавад Гита, а не о том, что шепчут дворецкие параноидальные причуды ума служителям тьмы с целью разжигания международного конфликта, - говорю как врач. И по долгу врачебной службы скажу, что воспринимающий желаемое как действительное как минимум страдает ювенильной психопатией. Если и далее будут продолжаться опасные и унижающие ЧЕСТЬ И ДОСТОИНСТВО МИЛЛИАРДА НАСЕЛЕНИЯ ПЛАНЕТЫ псевдогосударственные акты РЕПРЕССИЙ ПО РЕЛИГИОЗНОМУ ПРИНЦИПУ, напомню одну строку, одинаково звучащую в переводах как Библии, так и Бхагавад Гиты: КТО К ЧЕМУ СТРЕМИТСЯ, С ТЕМ И ПРЕБУДЕТ... |
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#59142011-12-21 06:14It is very sad to note that such a move was done during the visit of PM MR. Manmohan Singh. It may be coincidental. Still this is the way other religion treats Hindu religion and our tolerance limit crossed all boundaries. Even Indian Govt. was acting like a deaf in this case. |
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#59162011-12-21 06:20My vote is favoring to A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. I request the court to stop the case against bhagavad Gita As It Is. |
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#59172011-12-21 06:24Bhagavad -Gita speaks about the truth of Human existence and it is absolutely wrong to see it as a threat. |
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#59192011-12-21 06:27this movement of petition should spread to world over so that nobody should dare to say a word to Bhagvatgeeta.. |
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#59212011-12-21 06:31This is very unfortunate that one set of people are who don't know the value of this great book. Let the lord give some intelligence to them |
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#59222011-12-21 06:31Banning Bhagavad Gita is equivalent to degrading the human civilization into animal civilization |
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#59232011-12-21 06:35Banning Bhagavad Geeta is against the democracy of that country, for the sake of Ruccian ppl pls do not ban this book |
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